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What We Do

Bienvenue à la Bath University French Society! 


Whether you're studying French as part of your degree, enjoy the language and culture, or are just looking for some good food, wine and like-minded friends, there's something you'll enjoy at the French Soc.

With already an abundance of great events planned for the year ahead we are reaching out to you to join us in celebrating these festivities.  Come along to the 2019/20 French Societie's exciting events and socials. Dabble in the boisterous heat of the Bath Nightlife or enjoy a French movie in the company of your friends. For those of you who are active and are prepared to represent the French Soc in various sports, grab your gear and get ready to rumble! And this is only the beginning!

We are the French Society and together, we are confident that we will unite and acheive but above all relish this unforgettable year ahead.  

If you have questions, problems, suggestions or something to tell us, n'hésitez pas to get in touch.

Find out more on our Facebook and watch out for our latest posts on Insta

Bisous! x


Committee Members



Social Secretary


Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

Coming Soon!




Paris Pre-Party 09
10 photos
Updated Tue 07 Sep 2010
Merlot Mondays 12/10/15
13 photos
Updated Wed 28 Oct 2015
25 photos
Updated Thu 11 Feb 2010
First French Night! (30/07/09)
5 photos
Updated Thu 30 Jul 2009
Paris Trip 2010
87 photos
Updated Wed 22 Dec 2010
Cheese & Wine Evening 14/10/2010
5 photos
Updated Sat 16 Oct 2010