It's a bit too cold to have a camp in February... so instead we're having an indoor camp (a sleepover)! Anyone is welcome to come along, whether you have been a Guide or Scout before or not!
Meet us outside Bath Scout HQ at 10am on Saturday 15th Feb for 24 hours of taskmaster-themed challenges and a whole lot of fun! Many of the activities will be in some way scout/guide themed so that you can get a taste of the sort of things we get up to. After a day of activities, we will have dinner and relax and unwind to a movie (probably Mamma Mia!).
We will be sleeping on roll-mats on the floor of Scout HQ. We have spare roll-mats and sleeping bags, so if you need to borrow any kit you can let us know. Once you've bought your ticket, join the group chat so that we can check what kit people need: WhatsApp Group Invite
On the Sunday we will be having breakfast together in Weatherspoons to round of the sleepover.
Tickets for the sleepover are available now! The tickets are:
- £5 for freshers (anyone new to BUGS regardless of what year you're in)
- £7 for returners (old BUGS).
This price includes dinner on the Saturday night, but please bring your own packed lunch for the Saturday. If you would rather just come for the day on Saturday but not sleep over that's ok! You only need to pay for a ticket if you want dinner on the Saturday night - so if you are only coming for the day and don't want dinner then there's no need to buy a ticket. But make sure you join the group chat so that we know who is coming!
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to come on the sleepover (for the day or overnight), you need to be a member of BUGS on the SSAGO system (Student Scout and Guide Organisation) so that you are insured for overnight camps. If you aren't currently on the system, but would like to come to the sleepover, you can sign up using this link: . Please also make sure you fill in the in-touch information so that we have emergency contacts/dietary requirements for you!
Hope to see you there!
BUGS love