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V Team's newest project, V Kind, are encouraging everyday volunteering this week with their "Acts of Kindness" chalk board, which will be situated in the SU all of this week as part of Student Volunteering Week.

Taking part in a Random Act of Kindness is a free and easy way for anyone to get involved in volunteering within the local community and help spread good deeds, wellbeing and positivity on campus and beyond.

Through these small everyday acts of generosity, you can support others around you; it can be as simple as smiling at a stranger, giving someone a handmade gift, taking the time to send someone positive feedback, telling a friend what they mean to you or a donation to a charity. We can create a ripple effect of viral kindness which always has the potential to make a much bigger difference to an someone than we realise. A kind gesture can be the difference between a good and a bad day. A sign of hope and a sense of belonging.


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