Please log in to take part in elections

You stand and vote for SU elections on this page.

There are a wide range of roles that are up for election each year, at varying level of responsibility. Anyone considering a nomination should familiarise themselves with the Election Rules. You can also find out when the next election is on our Election Timetables.

Click on the boxes to expand the section to find active elections.

SU Officer Elections

Our six Officers lead the SU and its activities for a 1-year full-time term.

SU Officer Elections

No SU Officer elections are currently running

SU Executive Committee Elections

Most Execs all sit above the range of student groups in their area.

Diversity & Support Exec

Diversity and Support Executive Committee 2024/25 By Election

Election for the Diversity and Support Executive Committee, position of Treasurer only. Treasurer - Main Responsibilities: - Attend all meetings of the Exec Committee - Work with other members of the Exec to lead on representation of issues or campaigns relevant to D&S groups. - Ensure you read meeting papers and agendas in advance - Oversee and approve D&S Group budget requests. - Lead on any D&S Exec events/campaigns, along with the Chair. - Liaise with the SU Community Officer, Exec Chair, and relevant SU staff on handling and approving budget request

1 post is up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Monday 7 October 2024 (in 10 days)

The polls open at 17:00 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 (in 12 days)

Sport Exec

No elections are currently running

Activities Exec

No elections are currently running

Media Exec

No elections are currently running

International Exec 

International Exec 2024/25

For role descriptions and more information about the International Exec go to:

2 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Monday 7 October 2024 (in 10 days)

The polls open at 17:00 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 (in 12 days)

Doctoral Exec

Doctoral Exec Autumn Election 23/24

Doctoral Exec represents all Doctoral students at Bath and is influential in bringing about change in the academic environment. The committee is made up of the Doctoral Faculty Reps and the Postgraduate Officer. For issues contact:

1 post is up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Monday 7 October 2024 (in 10 days)

The polls open at 17:00 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 (in 12 days)

PGT Exec

PGT Exec Autumn Election 24/25

Postgraduate Taught Exec represents all Postgraduate Taught students at Bath and is influential in bringing about change in the academic environment. The committee is made up of the Postgraduate Taught Faculty Reps and the Postgraduate Officer. For issues contact:

2 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Monday 7 October 2024 (in 10 days)

The polls open at 17:00 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 (in 12 days)

Academic Elections

Put yourself forward to represent students within your academic discipline.

1st Years & PGT Academic Reps

Academic Rep Autumn Elections 2024/25

Academic Reps are students who have been elected by their peers to represent their cohort's academic views and concerns. The roles in this election are for 1st year Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught students. Nominate yourself to be the voice of students! For issues contact:

122 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Monday 7 October 2024 (in 10 days)

The polls open at 17:00 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 (in 12 days)

2nd Years & Over Undergraduate Academic Reps

While there are no current elections for these positions, we still have a number of vacant positions available.

Follow this link to find our sign-up form:

PGT Faculty Reps

PGT Faculty Rep Autumn Elections 24/25

Faculty Representatives are elected by students in their faculty/school. It is their responsibility to represent students' views at a Faculty Level to discuss the big issues that are affecting students. Nominate yourself to be the voice of students. For issues, contact:

4 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Monday 7 October 2024 (in 10 days)

The polls open at 17:00 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 (in 12 days)

Doctoral Reps

Doctoral Rep Autumn Election 24/25

Doctoral Representatives are elected by their peers to represent them from Doctoral students. These Reps ensure that student concerns, views, and opinions are heard and acted upon by the University and the Students' Union. For any issues, contact:

12 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Monday 7 October 2024 (in 10 days)

The polls open at 17:00 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 (in 12 days)

Doctoral Faculty Rep

Doctoral Faculty Rep Autumn Election 24/25

Faculty Representatives are elected by their students to represent the Faculty as a whole. These Reps ensure larger student concerns, views, and opinions are being heard and acted upon by their Faculty. For any issues, contact:

2 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Monday 7 October 2024 (in 10 days)

The polls open at 17:00 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 (in 12 days)

Senate Rep

Senate Rep Election 2024

The Senate Rep is elected by students to represent their voice on the Senate committee. The Senate Rep sits on University Senate along with the SU President, Education Officer and Postgraduate Officer. They are also a member of the SU Academic Exec. Nominate yourself to be part of the University's highest-level committee to represent students' interests. For issues contact:

1 post is up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Monday 7 October 2024 (in 10 days)

The polls open at 17:00 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 (in 12 days)

SUmmit, Democratic Procedures Team and NUS National Elections


SUmmit Open-Place Student Reps 2024/25

SUmmit is an SU committee made up of a range of student leaders and representatives who discuss topical issue pertaining to the student experience. They vote to create Standpoints (SU stances on any given issue) and hold the SU Officers to account. There are 20 open-places available for this role.

1 post is up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Monday 7 October 2024 (in 10 days)

The polls open at 17:00 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 (in 12 days)

NUS National Conference

NUS National Conference Delegates 2024/25

Read more about Role and NUS here: Please note: you will need to be available to attend the NUS National Conference 2025, the dates of which will be announced shortly. This usually takes place in March or April each year.

1 post is up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Monday 7 October 2024 (in 10 days)

The polls open at 17:00 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 (in 12 days)

Democratic Procedures Team

Democratic Procedures Team 2024/25

The main purpose of the Democractic Procedures Team (DPT) is to support the Returning Officer and their Deputies to deliver fair and inclusive democratic procedures at the SU. More information about DPT and the role of an elected member is available at

1 post is up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Monday 7 October 2024 (in 10 days)

The polls open at 17:00 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 (in 12 days)

Hall Committee Elections

Represent students who live in your University-managed accommodation (halls).

Hall Committee Elections

Hall Rep Election 2024/25

31 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Monday 7 October 2024 (in 10 days)

The polls open at 17:00 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 (in 12 days)

Post List
Read more about the positions up for election and what each role entails.

Student Group Elections

For students interested in running one of our societies, sports clubs, or other student groups.

Diversity & Support Group Committees

No elections are currently running

Media group Committees

No elections are currently running

Society Committees

No elections are currently running

Volunteer Committees

No elections are currently running

Arts Committee Elections

No elections are currently running

For technical questions relating to the functionality of the website, contact

For all questions relating to candidate rulings or complaints about a particular election, contact

You can vote in our referendums here