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The SU runs elections so you can decide who should be the next group of students to run and lead SU activities. Most of the non-academic activities here at Bath are run through the SU, and there are lots of positions you could vote in or nominate yourself for including full-time paid positions and part-time voluntary positions. Elected students then set the direction of the SU, decide on student policy, and run campaigns and events to improve students' lives. 

General FAQs

When are Elections held?

Elections run throughout the academic year for different positions across The SU. The main election periods are the beginning of Semester 1 and across the Spring in Semester 2, with different elections and roles happening during these times. Occasionally there may be ad-hoc elections if a position becomes vacant during the year or other reasons. 

Who oversees the elections?

All elections at The SU are overseen by a Returning Officer (a staff member or external expert) who makes sure that they are fair, transparent, and successful. You can email at any time to ask the Returning Officer a question, voice a concern, or report an unfair situation. 

What is a manifesto?

A manifesto tells people why you want to represent them and why they should vote for you; it sets out your ideas and plans. Essentially your manifesto needs to say WHY you think you would be a good, elected representative and WHAT you would do if you were elected. The manifesto word limit for most elections is 500 words, if it is different the election should specify this.

Who can get involved in Elections?

All registered students at the University of Bath, in whatever, year, whether postgraduate or undergraduate, home or international, may stand and vote. 

Some elections are limited to the members of a particular group. For example, only international students can stand and vote in the International Executive Committee elections. 

If you are a distance learner and want to run in the election and have questions about how this works for you, please contact the Deputy Returning Officer ( who will be happy to assist you in the election. 

My nomination says "pending approval", does this mean I have done something wrong?

This means that we have received your nomination and it is waiting for approval. SU Staff will bulk approve all nominations after the closing deadline, during this process we will make sure that our elections are fair & inclusive to all. Please do check your emails regularly in case there is a problem with your nomination. 

What if I can't stand or vote in an election?

If you see a message that says you're ineligible to stand or vote for a particular position, please contact It's possible that you may not meet the requirements for that position or there may be a technical error. Please include your full name, University username, and the specific position you would like to stand for in your email, if possible also include a screenshot. 

Can I stand for more than one position?

Yes, for most elections you can stand for multiple positions, however for some roles if you win multiple you will be asked which you take as you may not be able to be in more than one role e.g. you would not be able to be Chair and Treasurer of a Student Group. You can only stand for one position in the SU Officer Elections. If you stand for more than one you will be asked to withdraw from all bar one, if you fail to do this you will be removed from the election. 

Do the elections have rules?

Yes, the rules can be found on our elections information page.  Please read through them carefully. The election rules apply to all SU elections, there are also some additional rules just for the SU Officer elections. If you have any questions or would like clarification, please ask the Returning Officer.  

How does campaign work?

In the context of elections, campaigning is what candidates do to get votes - it's not just handing out leaflets though! Successful candidates take time to listen and speak to students, find out about the current issues relevant to the role they're standing for, and persuade voters with ideas and enthusiasm, not just trendy slogans or avalanches of tweets. Check out the candidate support page to find out more about campaigning.

How does voting work?

he SU Bath uses Single Transferable Vote (STV), a representation system in which a person’s vote can be transferred to a second or third choice (according to their stated preference) if their first choice is eliminated during the vote count.  

The most important aspect of STV is that a voter ranks candidates in order of their preference so if you speak to a student who has already decided not to vote for you, convince them to make you their second choice – it could make all the difference when determining the result. 

Who is R.O.N?

RON stands for Re-Opening of Nominations. SU elections give the option for voters to express their wish that nominations for a role should be re-opened. Voting for this option is usually taken when voters do not feel as though any of the candidates, or the remaining candidates offer viable or credible policies. 

SU Officer Election FAQs

Tell me about the role... 

The direction of a charity with over one million pound annual turnover 

The Students’ Union is a registered charity and exists to makes students’ lives better at Bath, by offering services which include: representation (or Voice), support, development, student groups and entertainment. 

Representing over 20,000 members to the University, as well as locally and nationally 

SU Officers represent the concerns and views of individuals, groups or the whole student body on issues such as welfare, academic, social, inclusivity and financial. 

Members of the Students’ Union Board of Trustees 

Along with external trustees, the SU Officers are members of the Students' Union's Board of Trustees and also have legal and financial responsibilities. 

Developing the strategic direction of the SU 

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the broad direction of the SU and works with the Chief Executive, Directors and Head of Finance to ensure a successful long term approach to the running of the SU.   

Ok, you’ve got me interested, why should I run for SU Officer?

There are many reasons to become an SU Officer. You will: 

Have an unforgettable, exciting year, full of challenges 

Every day is different; one day you could be helping a student with a problem, leading a national campaign or sitting on an interview panel for a manager. The next day you could be gathering student feedback at an engagement event, doing a presentation to your executive committee, or sitting in a meeting with the Vice-Chancellor. 

Improve your employability 

This is a fantastic opportunity to build a very impressive CV that will make you really stand out to employers. You will have real experience of making senior level decisions as well as managing budgets, events, meetings, projects, teams and your time! In one year, you will have worked with the media, interviewed staff, done public speaking, written reports and negotiated change. Previous Officers have gone onto careers where they have directly been able to use their experiences, knowledge, or connections made during their time as an Officer. 

Make a difference 

You can make a positive impact on students’ lives by influencing the decision makers. There are many changes and developments at The SU, the University and in the local community that that have been driven through by an SU Officer. 

Develop invaluable life and works skills 

Over the year you will have developed some important skills that will benefit you in all areas of your life including: communication, teamwork, leadership, organisation, influencing, strategic planning, commercial awareness, working under pressure and problem solving.  

Network with national organisation 

Through the NUS (National Union of Students) you will be a part of a confederation of 600 students' unions and linked with thousands of other SU Officers The NUS is a membership organisation which makes a real difference to the lives of students and its member students' unions.  

I want to know more. Tell me about some practicalities about the role...

Can I do the role alongside my studies? 

No. This is a full time role.  

If you are a masters student due to write your dissertation summer 2025 you may be able to get permission from your Department to defer writing up until after your Officer year. Or, with agreement with The SU take some annual leave from your allocated annual leave allowance to write up during the summer (however you should consider this carefully regarding your work/life balance). Please note that this option is not possible if you are doing the Practice Track rather than a dissertation due to the requirements of the Practice Track over the summer months. 

If you are a research/doctoral student you would need to get permission from your supervisor and department (and funder) to take a year out to complete the Officer year. 

Can I do the role remotely? 

No. This role is based primarily at the main University of Bath campus at Claverton Down. There may be meetings, or events where you are required to work off-campus in the city. 

When does the role start and finish? 

For the 2025/26 Officer team you will start on 9th June 2025 with a two-week handover training period with the current team and SU staff. You will then be officially in post from the 23rd June 2025. 

Your term of office for 2025/26 would then finish on 19th June 2026 (this is the end of the two-week handover period for the 2026/27 team which you will be involved in). 

Will I get paid? 

Yes, in 2025/26 SU Officers will receive a salary of £30,000 for their year in office. 

Will I get accommodation included like in previous years? 

No. After a review of officer salaries, the decision was made to increase the salary and remove automatic on campus accommodation. All officers will have the opportunity to live in University halls if they wish but this will be paid for by the officer direct to the University. Officers can choose not to live in University accommodation if they wish.

If you wish to live in University accommodation you will need to confirm this by a deadline set and communicated to you if you are elected. 

Will I get any training?  

Yes. Officially, you will have a 2-week handover period with the current Officer team and SU staff and then further ongoing training opportunities over the summer vacation both internally and externally provided. However, as with any job and role you never stop learning! 

There will be opportunities for further training over the course of the year.   

You are also supported by experienced full-time staff and external trustees. 

Can I stand to be an SU Officer at any time during my course/research ? 

You can stand for post at any time whilst you are a student at Bath.  

Whilst a lot of Officers run to be an Officer in the election which happens in their final year, to take up the role that summer, there are options should you wish to do this at another point in your course.  

If you choose to take some time out we have a form that we need your Director of Studies and Head of Department (and supervisor for postgraduate students) to sign to approve this, we need this returned before candidates are announced so if you are thinking about this as an option start talking to your Director of Studies and Head of Department sooner rather than later to help avoid any delays, or you not being able to progress with the election. The University’s Senate will then ultimately approve this following the conclusion of the election processes. 

If you are an undergraduate student, you can hold office as your placement year, for example, or take a year out of your studies with the necessary permissions sought and received from your Department and then Senate.  

If you are doing a master’s you may, with permission from your Department and Senate, be able to defer writing up your dissertation until after your SU Officer year, or with agreement from The SU take some holiday during the summer to write up (however you should consider this carefully regarding your work/life balance). 

If you are a doctoral student, you will have to speak to your supervisor and Head of Department to get permission to take a year out of your research, in the first instance. The University is supportive of the SU Officer roles and particularly the Postgraduate Officer post for postgraduates and has said that it would be happy to consider breaks for students who are funded by the University. If your funding is from a research council or other external organisation, you will have to contact that agency to discuss a funding and research break. You should, of course, establish that the University and funder are happy before standing. The SU can provide advice, support and guidance to achieve this.  

I am an international student; can I run for post as a SU Officer, what about my visa? 

Any registered student can run to be an Officer, you can run for any position you like (however, only postgraduate students can stand for the Postgraduate Officer role).  

You will need to speak to the Student Immigration Service before submitting a nomination to get advice regarding your visa and running to be an SU Officer (sometimes also referred to as a sabbatical year/sabbatical officer) specific to to the University of Bath and Visa Sponsorship. You will need to do this early to ensure that there are not any delays or issues with your nomination. 

I am a postgraduate student: can I still run? 

Yes. One of the positions on the Officer team is reserved for postgraduate (taught or research) students only. They work to improve the experience of all postgraduates, whether that is doctoral or taught programmes.  

However, you can also run for any other of the Officer positions! So if you are passionate about one of the other roles you can stand for one of those. 

See other questions and answers on this document which outline what to do if you are a masters student due to write up in the summer, or a doctoral student. 

Note that if you are also an international student you will need to speak to the Student Immigration Service before submitting a nomination to get advice regarding your visa and running to be an SU Officer (sometimes also referred to as a sabbatical year/sabbatical officer) specific to to the University of Bath and Visa Sponsorship. You will need to do this early to ensure that there are not any delays or issues with your nomination. 

I’m a visiting student at the University of Bath, and the rest of study has been at another university. Can I take part in the election? 

Yes.  Visiting students are registered at the University of Bath during their time here, so can vote and stand in the election. However, you would need to be able to fulfil the role in person in Bath from the main Claverton Down campus for the full year of office.  

I’m a doctoral student in a Doctoral Training Partnership/ Doctoral Training Centre/ Centre for Doctoral Training. I spent time at several different universities while doing my research – can I take part in the election? 

Yes, doctoral students in Doctoral Training Partnership/ Doctoral Training Centre/ Centre for Doctoral Training are counted as visiting students. So you would be able to vote, but if you stood as a candidate you would need to discuss with your university of origin about arrangements for taking a sabbatical year. All Officers are required to be based in Bath at the Claverton Down campus to complete the role in person for the year. 

I want to do it, tell me more... 

What position should I run for? 

There are six SU Officers.  All Officers: 

Are Trustees of The SU, attending Board of Trustees meetings and overseeing the overall management and administration of The SU along with other Board members. 

Work with The SU senior management team to set and deliver the strategic direction of The SU 

Support, and attend, central SU events and activities such as Freshers' Week, Refresh Week, awards evenings, University open days 

Are the lead student representatives, representing student opinion to the University, local community, and national bodies 

Collectively as a team create a set of Top Ten priority issues to present to and work with the University Executive Board 

Have opportunities to chair meetings and lead projects 

Roles are: 

Students’ Union President 

The SU President is the figurehead of the Students’ Union. As the President you would lead the SU Officer team, helping and organising the efforts of each individual SU Officer and ensuring that the work on major student issues is done. It is their responsibility to make sure that everything the Union undertakes is for the long term benefit of its members. 

Chairs the Board of Trustees’ 

Oversees strategy and finances of The SU 

Sits on a range of University governance committees, including University Council 

Meets regularly with the Vice-Chancellor to share emerging student issues 

Large Scale campaigns 

Representing the union locally and nationally 

Supports Student Media 

Education Officer 

The Education Officer is principally charged with the academic representation, primarily to the University but to other relevant bodies as well.  As the Education Officer you would also work closely with the Postgraduate Officer on issues relating to postgraduate and with the Community Officer on issues relating to international students. 

Representing academic interests within the University and Nationally 

Coordinate the Academic Rep System 

Lobby for changes to learning and teaching 

Sits on various university governance committees to represent the student voice 

Works closely with the Postgraduate Officer on postgraduate education issues 

Monitors Higher Education Issues locally and nationally 

Sport Officer 

The Sport Officer is principally charged with the strategic development of sport within the Students’ Union and acting as a representative on relevant University committees and at the national level. As the Sport Officer you would represent students’ sporting needs and interests to the Sports Department and the University. 

Shapes the student sport offer through social, recreational, and BUCS Sport 

Represents student sport within the University and Nationally 

Works with sports clubs to ensure they have the resources and support needed to deliver their activities 

Ensures sport is accessible and enjoyable for everyone 

Develop opportunities, Coach Education, and the Exercise Buddy Scheme 

Develop experiences for students including Varsity, Blues Awards, and charity events 

Activities Officer 

The Activities Officer is responsible for the strategic development of the activities of societies and volunteering groups, and also represents students in the training and sustainability areas of the Union. They will work with student Executives within the Activities area. 

Oversees all Societies and volunteering groups 

Provides extra-curricular opportunities 

Works on Environmental and Sustainability policy 

Improves skills development and training 

Provides volunteering opportunities for students 

Works on ensuring employability is a key focus of The SU and the University 

Community Officer 

The Community Officer post is a wide-ranging role that represents the needs of specific groups of students and general student welfare to the University, the strategic development of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity work, and the Diversity and Support groups within the SU. As Community Officer you would also be the face and main representation of students within the local community. 

Oversees a range of areas such as housing, mental health and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 

Represents students within the local community 

Lobbies for adequate housing both on and off campus 

Ensures students from underrepresented groups feel welcome 

Works closely with student support teams 

Supports the Diversity and Support Groups 

Leads on international student campaigns 

Postgraduate Officer 

As the title suggests, the specific duty of this postholder is to research and represent the interests of postgraduate students and to develop an active postgraduate community.  The post is only open to postgraduate students, though all students will be able to vote for this post. 

Represent the interests of both Postgraduate Taught and Doctoral Students 

Develop and run events to create an active postgraduate community 

Encourage postgraduate students and researchers to run for SU student leader positions 

Work with the other SU Officers as well as SU staff and university staff to improve the overall postgraduate experience 

Liaise nationally with other SU's and external bodies on key topical issues, e.g., student funding 

Liaise with key university staff, to share student feedback, and where appropriate to seek improvements 

Attend Senate and other University Committees to champion for Postgraduate Students 

I’m interested in a couple of the roles, can I stand for more than one? 

No. You can only stand for one role. If you are interested in more than one role and can’t choose, come along to one of our workshops to find out more about the roles or email and we will put you in touch with some people who can tell you more. 

What’s the next step?

We recommend you do the following steps: 

1. Talk to someone 

Find out more about the role. You can talk in confidence to any of the existing SU Officers, or a member of staff, if you’re not sure who to speak to contact with the role(s) you are interested in and we’ll put you in touch with someone.   

2. Attend a workshop to find out more 

This year we are running some workshops to find out more about the role of an SU Officer, not just the specific role but also what it means to be a Trustee of the SU etc. You can find all the dates on our timetable document. 

3. Nominate yourself 

Nominations Period: Open Monday 2nd December 2024 (17:00) – Monday 10th February 2025 mid-day (12:00).  

Nominations are via The SU website 

4. Plan your campaign 

We have resources available for you to look at online to help you with planning your campaign.  

You should also ensure that you have read the Election Rules document. 

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