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There are a number of Equality and Diversity related meetings which take place within the Students' Union and within the University of Bath.

Students' Union meetings

Diversity and Support Executive Committee - this group meets 4-5 times per year to talk about representational issues, support the work of the Community Officer and campaigns for all the Diversity and Support Groups.

Equality and Diversity Steering Group - this group meets every 6 weeks to look at equality and diversity issues within the Students' Union.

University meetings

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee (EDIC) - this committee is responsible to Council and Senate for the promotion of equality of opportunity across the University.  Representatives from the Students' Union sit on this committee.

Role Description for EDIC Reps

Equalities and Diversity Network - this network has a broad and representative membership and provides a forum for consultation on equalities and diversity issues.  It is a sub-committee of the Equalities and Diversity Committee.  Representatives from the Students' Union sit on this network, including representatives from each of the student support groups.

Race Equality Task Force - Provides srategic leadership for the development and implementation of equality objectives relating to race.

There are various other Equality & Inclusion focussed meetings at the University, including; Harassment Prevention Working Group, meetings regarding disabled student experience, religious student experience and more.

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