The University of Bath's Dance Society!
Definition of terms
‘Societies’ refers to the sub-group of The University of Bath Students’ Union (BUSU), its Executive Committee, and all affiliated groups. Hereafter, it will be referred to as Socs.
Within Socs there are 5 sub-groups: Arts, Departmental, Ethical & Political (E&P), Faith and Cultural (F&C) and Recreational
‘Society’ refers to the BodySoc Society which is a sub-group of Socs.
‘Society Committee’ refers to those members of the BodySoc Society elected to the positions outlined in Appendix 1.
Mission Statement
To be as inclusive as possible, to be an active society on campus, to put on an annual show, to get involved with the local community. We also wish to represent the university of Bath at a national level through the different competitions we take part in and through a more active cooperation with the ICIA and various events of the city of Bath.
How the Society will help promote the interests of the membership:
Conducting taster sessions, workshops.
Show in a Week involvement, the annual show.
Using email and posters to communicate with others.
How the Society will meet the criteria of inclusiveness:
Making sure to have a range of levels and styles on offer: ballet, modern jazz, contemporary, hip hop, tap; both novice and intermediate/advanced levels.
Have non-dancing socials, including other arts societies in our activities.
This Constitution
This constitution lays out the governance of the Society.
This constitution is superseded by the Societies Constitution, BUSU's Articles of Governance, Bye Laws and Regulations.
This constitution should be reviewed on an annual basis by the Society Committee
The core of this constitution may only be ratified by a Society General Meeting and must be reported to the Sport and Societies Office.
The appendices of this constitution may not supersede the core of this constitution and a may only be ratified by a Society General Meeting.
Any change to this constitution proposed by any Society Member, seconded by any other Society Member and agreed by the majority of the Society Committee may be proposed at the next Society General Meeting.
Affiliations & Memberships
The Society is an affiliated group of Socs.
The membership of the Society shall consist of all Members of Socs who have paid the Society membership fee and any Associate Members of the Society (Socs Constitution Appendix V5).
Society Committee Members
All members of the Society Committee must be Society members and may not also hold sabbatical positions.
All Committee Members shall be elected annually by a secret online ballot open to all Club members.
All Committee Members are expected to attend regular Society Committee and General Meetings.
The roles of the Society Committee are laid out in Appendix I.
Financial Management
The society will abide by the rules on financial management set out in the Socs Constitution Part 7
The responsibilities of both the Society and BUSU are outlined in the Socs Constitution Parts 8 and 9
Appendix I: Society Committee Members
Society Chair
Responsible for overseeing all activities of the Society
Regularly liaises with and delegates duties to committee members
Maintains an up to date Society strategy, to be reviewed in hand-over each year
Engages with members and represents their views to Socs
Acts as a signatory on the Society accounts up to set limits
Is responsible for ensuring health and safety standards are adhered to in all Society activities
Is jointly responsible with the Society Treasurer for ensuring the Society remains within budget
Oversees promotion of the Society to ensure membership targets are met
Informs and works with the VP Activities & Development on any disciplinary matters as per their Society disciplinary policy
Submits Society development plan, budget and asset registers in collaboration with Chairman elect in April each year
Ensures that the Society submits nominations for the Activities Awards each year
Ensures the Society meets all requirements set out in the Socs Constitution and Code of Conduct
Society Treasurer
Working with the Chair is responsible for ensuring the Society remains within budget as set by VP Activities & Development and approved by the Socs Executive Committee
Acts as a signatory on the Society accounts up to set limits
Keeps regular accounts and spending plans for the year
Brings accounts updates to Society Committee Meetings
Knowledge and enforcement for the payment of Society Membership Fees
Sets up online products where appropriate
Society Secretary
Arranges a minimum of one committee meeting per month during term time.
Sends out a request for agenda items a minimum of 7 days before committee meetings
Sends out a full agenda a minimum of 24 hours before committee meetings
Takes full minutes of committee meetings to be circulated to the committee within 2 weeks of the meeting or before the next meeting (whichever is earlier)
Has knowledge of all the core documents required for participation including risk assessments
Ensures correct procedures and policies are followed for events, trips and socials
Checks Society mail shelf and distributes post
Social and Fundraising Secretary
Is responsible for organising Society socials
Ensures the Society at least breaks even on its social activity over the year
Is responsible for ensuring all Society socials adhere to the current BUSU Socials Policy
Organises fundraising events regularly to ensure that the show and competitions are as cheap as possible for members
Actively seeks additional finance opportunities to that provided by Socs
Works with BUSU Marketing department to generate and circulate sponsorship proposals
Maintains good relations with existing sponsors including submitting sponsorship reports
Seeks to engage in fundraising activity, ensuring all risks are clearly outlined to the Chair prior to activity
IT & Publicity Officer
Ensures all information on the Society web pages are up to date and comply with current Socs and BUSU policy
Updates Society web pages every month with photos, events and news.
Ensures that the Society, its events and Socs Events are widely publicised online.
Supports the maintenance of Society web pages including links to respective Union/University web pages.
Designs and printing flyers and posters over the summer for Freshers' Week and flyers and programms for the show
Coordinates BodySoc's presence at Freshers' Week fairs and events
Coordinates ticket selling and flyering for the annual show
Show Co-ordinator
Contact and book Hayesfield
Have a look at show rehearsals and give feedback
Work on show timetable with secretary and choreographers
More meetings with dancers and choreographers
Make sure we don’t run out of show programs
Competition organiser
Competition Organiser decides which inter-university dance competitions Bodysoc will attend throughout the year.
Contacting the respective university
Organising auditions
Completing application forms
Gathering information from dancers
Gathering quotes from coaches and hotels
Booking coaches and hotels
Oversee all competition rehearsals, ensuring everything runs smoothly and all dancers are happy
Be in contact with the SU in terms of completing event planners and setting up online payments.
Costume Officer
Be in charge of organising any clothing or costume related aspects of BodySoc. This includes the costumes for the show and then any merchandise that is required or desired over the year.
Keep the costume cupboard inventory updated
Appendix II: Meetings
Society General Meetings
Chaired by: Lara Loussert
All Society Members
In attendance:
Associate Members of Society
Speaking rights:
All Society Members (excluding Associates in line with the Socs Code of Conduct)
Any others with permission from the Chair
Voting rights:
All Society Members (excluding Associates in line with the Socs Code of Conduct)
Society General Meetings shall take place at least once in each academic semester
Members will be asked for agenda items one week prior to the meeting and sent an agenda two days before the meeting.
Each Society Member has the right to one vote
Quoracy for this meeting is twice the Society Committee Membership
Minutes from Society General Meetings shall be taken by the Society Secretary, available on request by VP Activities & Development and sent to the Society membership within 2 weeks of the meeting taking place
Society Committee Meetings
Chaired by: Lara Loussert
Society Chair
All Society Committee Members
In attendance:
Any individual with permission from the Chair
VP Activities & Development (on request)
Socs Executive Committee Representative (on request)
Speaking rights:
All Society Committee Members
VP Activities & Development
Any other individual with permission from the Chair
Voting rights:
Society Committee Members
To discuss and draft policy;
To handle operational tasks;
To oversee spending of budget set by VP Activities & Development;
To conduct disciplinary proceedings for the Society;
To plan the development of the Society;
To ensure a smooth relationship between the Society and Socs;
To promote the activities of the Society within the student body;
Quoracy for this meeting is half the number Committee Members plus one.
These meetings should be carried out at least once every month during term time.
Minutes from Society Committee Meetings shall be taken by the Society Secretary, available on request by VP Activities & Development and circulated to the Society Committee members within 2 weeks of the meeting
Appendix III: Responsibilities and Disciplinary Proceedings
Member and Group Responsibilities
All members will:
Adhere to the rules set out in this constitution, its appendices, policies and the Socs constitution;
Take due diligence when using equipment for which the Society is responsible;
Respect other members of the Society;
Act responsibly with Society funds;
Ensure that the Society and Socs’ reputation is not damaged by their action or inaction.
All members must acknowledge that they are representing the Society:
At Society Activities
When journeying to and from Society activities
When out on Society socials
The Society Committee shall consider complaints made by any person against any member(s) (hereafter ‘the defendant’) in respect of:
Misconduct (not including harassment or attacks contrary BUSU’s Equal Opportunities Policies)
Negligent or willful damage of Society property
Negligent or willful misuse of Society finances
Breach of the terms of the Society Constitution or its appendices
Breach of a Society or Socs Policy, including those concerning socials (presently Socials Policy 2005/6-8)
Any other complaint referred to them by a Society Committee member, VP Activities & Development or the SU President as part of BUSU Disciplinary Procedures
Serious cases (at the discretion of the Society Chair, and including all cases of potential gross misconduct) will be automatically referred to the VP Activities & Development for consideration under the Socs Disciplinary Procedures.
Disciplinary Responsibilities
The Society Committee is responsible for ensuring that members are aware of their responsibilities.
The Society Committee is responsible for ensuring that any complaints received by the Socs Executive Committee are handled appropriately within two academic weeks of reception.
Members of the Society Committee must remain impartial throughout disciplinary proceedings.
Any conflict of interest must be declared to the Chair of the meeting or Society Chair prior to the meeting.
Any decision made in disciplinary proceedings may be appealed via BUSU’s appeals process.
When specific individuals are not identified in an incident it is the prerogative of the Socs Disciplinary Panel to penalize the event organising team or chair instead.
Disciplinary Panel
The Disciplinary Panel will consist of:
Society Chair– ex-officio and chair
Two members of the Society Committee– elected from within the Society Committee each year.
In the instance of a conflict of interest for the Chair, the VP Activities & Development may name an alternative, from the Society or otherwise, and name that individual or any other member of the panel as chair, for that case. This will normally be the Society Treasurer.
In the instance of a conflict of interest for an elected member of the panel, the chair of the panel may name an alternative from the members of the Society Committee for that case.
In the absence of additional committee members they may name a Society member as the alternative.
Where there is a clear conflict of interest for all Society Committee members the case shall be referred to the Socs Disciplinary Panel
The following will be in attendance at all disciplinary hearings:
The Society Secretary, who will act as secretary to the meeting;
Each defendant may bring one companion, who may be a friend or representative. A companion must be a Member of BUSU and may not be a sabbatical officer or a witness in the case.
In the interest of consistency records of each case will be submitted to the Sport and Societies office and be accessible for future hearings.
If it is the view of the Sport and Societies office that the case has not been properly dealt with a full Socs Disciplinary Hearing will be held.
General principles of cases will be freely available to Members of BUSU. Specific details will be available to the members of the Society Committee, Socs Executive Committee and the SU President, and may only be revealed to others at the discretion of the Society Committee, Socs Executive Committee or the SU President.
Disciplinary Procedure
Allegation of misconduct must be made in writing to the Society Chair.
On receipt of an allegation of misconduct, the Society Chair will within 5 working days summon the defendant in front of the Society Disciplinary Panel for a hearing.
The Disciplinary Panel will convene the hearing at its earliest convenience (usually within 10 working days), and having considered the matter will impose one of the sanctions outlined in this appendix.
In a case involving multiple defendants, the Society Disciplinary Panel may elect to hold one or more separate hearings as it deems appropriate.
The disciplinary hearing shall be conducted as follows:
The complainant will be asked to submit in writing their allegation of misconduct and present any supporting evidence, including witness statements, also in writing.
The defendant will then respond to the allegation and present any supporting evidence.
The evidence of any witnesses called by the defendant will also be heard at this point.
The defendant, their companion and any witnesses called may be asked questions by the panel and the complainant.
Both parties will be asked to sum up, following which they will be asked to withdraw.
The panel will then come to a judgment on the allegation.
Disciplinary Outcomes
The Disciplinary Panel may for each individual:
Decide that there is ‘no case to answer’
Issue a warning
Ban the individual(s) from taking part in Society activities for a fixed term
Revoke the individual(s) membership of the Society
Refer the case to the VP Activities & Development for consideration under Socs Disciplinary Procedures
Decision Notification
The defendant, the complainant and VP Activities & Development shall be informed of any decision made in writing within 2 working days.
The Socs Executive Committee shall be informed of any decision at their next meeting
All copies of documents should be kept on file. An annual report of disciplinary action will be presented to the SU President
Either the defendant or the original complainant shall have the right to appeal against the decision of the Society Disciplinary Panel and any actions resulting from it.
An appeal must be lodged in writing to the VP Activities & Development within 10 working days of the date of the original decision.
If there is any new evidence this may be submitted to the VP Activities & Development, but an appeal can still be lodged without new evidence.
An Appeals meeting shall be held of the Socs Disciplinary Panel at its earliest convenience – usually within ten (10) working days of receipt of the appeal.
The Socs Disciplinary Panel will not include any members of the Society Disciplinary Panel.
Either the defendant or the original complainant shall have the right to appeal against the decision of the Socs Disciplinary Panel and any actions resulting from it, in accordance with BUSU Regulation 4a as outlined in the Socs Constitution.
The identification and interpretation of what constitutes a Society social is at the discretion of the Society Disciplinary Panel, upon which the chair of that hearing will have the final say.
Suggested evidence of a Society social includes:
prominence of Society branded clothing
the number of members from the same Society
links to recent Society events.
No individual may receive more than one warning in an academic year.
A second ‘warning offence’ will immediately result in a Socs Disciplinary Hearing
Appendix V: Competition rules and auditions procedure
Rehearsals can’t be longer than 2hours per dance including a 10/15min warm up and stretch.
Days of rehearsals: Sundays & Wednesdays afternoons. Maximum until 9:30 pm (10pm as a GREAT latest). Sunday 2h rehearsals, Wednesdays 1h30. Possibility to add an extra rehearsal on Tuesdays or Fridays after lectures. But try to stick to the hours allowed.
For the people who have other sports commitments on Wednesdays: they can’t be allowed to be part in more than 1 or 2 (depending on the person, the schedule, the sport etc.) competition dance
People need to inform choreographers in advance when missing, ideally before starting rehearsing for comp. If someone misses more than 2 rehearsals without giving reason, choreographers are allowed to kick this person out of the dance. If more than 4 people are missing a rehearsal the choreographer is encouraged to cancel it (unless the choreographer wants to work with some people on specific points)
Choreographers must commit themselves to their dancers and always come to rehearsals with something to teach them and work on.
Each competition dancer has to pay for entry fees
One compulsory dance class for each comp. dancer
The music that are chosen must be approved by the rest of committee
Choreographers must show their choreography to the rest of committee during the week preceding auditions and choreographies must be finished before starting rehearsals.
Audition procedure:
Royal Holloway competition: auditions must happen on the week end/during the week after fresher’s week (Wednesday 2nd of October; Saturday & Sunday 4th and 5th).
Auditions must correspond to the different categories of dance, i.e. not three ballet auditions for jazz, ballet and contemporary.
1h30 for each audition, with warm up, exercises and learning a bit of the routine.
Judges: the choreographer and another committee member.
Appendix VI: Show organisation and rules
The annual BodySoc show happens in April, after the break. Every member of the society can be involved in the show.
Theme must be decided at the beginning of the year. Try to find a backline story.
Keep competition dances in as much as possible and try to fit the competition dances with the show theme as much as possible
Maximum 30 dances; maximum show length is 2hours; max. 3min for each dance (exception for competition dance)
Say thank you to all leavers at the end/leavers dance
Show has to be done by 10pm when in Hayesfield theatre
Either solos,duets or trios for committee members
Start rehearsals earlier in the 2nd semester. Places to rehearse: rooms EBO.7, 3WN: EVERYONE DO TABLES.
Costumes: a clear inventory of what we have must be accessible to each choreographer.
Maintain guest societies in the show
This constitution was proposed by BodySoc committee 2013-2014.
This constitution was written by Lara Loussert, society chair.
It was ratified by Socs Exec on ???
Risk Assessment Guidance
The assessor can assign values for the hazard severity (a) and likelihood of occurrence (b)
(taking into account the frequency and duration of exposure) on a scale of 1 to 5,
then multiply them together to give the rating band:
Hazard Severity (a)
Likelihood of Occurrence (b)
1 – Trivial (eg discomfort, slight bruising, self-help recovery)
2 – Minor (eg small cut, abrasion, basic first aid need)
3 – Moderate (eg strain, sprain, incapacitation > 3 days)
4 – Serious (eg fracture, hospitalisation >24 hrs, incapacitation >4 weeks)
5 – Fatal (single or multiple)
1 – Remote (almost never)
2 – Unlikely (occurs rarely)
3 – Possible (could occur, but uncommon)
4 – Likely (recurrent but not frequent)
5 – Very likely (occurs frequently)
The risk rating (high, medium or low) indicates the level of
response required to be taken when designing the action plan.

Very likely
Risk Assessment Record
Risk Assessment of:
Lara Loussert
Overview of activity / location / equipment / conditions being assessed:
University of Bath Campus
Generic or specific assessment?
Generic risk assessment
Context of assessment
Hazard(s) identified
Persons affected
Existing controls & measures
A x B
Additional controls required
Rooms Bookings
Room Bookings guide followed at all times.
Room Bookings policy followed at all times
Cash handling
Students to pay for tickets/products online or in SU finance office.
Any cash collected by committee members must be paid in to SU finance on same day as collection.
Ticket/Receipt provided as proof of purchase.
A list with names of all those who have paid (trip list) will be compiled.
No external accounts used.
Students advised never to travel/walk anywhere alone and to stay in well lit areas.
Recommend personal attack alarms are purchased from AWARE.
When travelling by coach, car or minivan, seatbelts to be worn at all times.
Driver to take breaks in accordance with regulations or as and when they feel necessary.
Weather reports checked in advance for driving conditions.
Any bookings made (e.g. coach travel, entry fees etc.) must be approved by the Activities Office before the booking is confirmed.
Risk of injury to society members on campus
Reasonable care taken by members at all times.
University guide followed in the event of fire or evacuation.
Security and Activities Office informed of injury and/or unreasonable behaviour.
Risk of injury to society members at external venue
In the event of emergency, safety instructions will be followed at all times.
Reminder to be given on basic safety awareness (no running etc.)
Participants will be reminded that safe and reasonable behaviour is expected at all times.
Participants will be reminded that they should listen to and abide by any safety information given by the host venue.
Committee/ Members
All electrical equipment will be PAT tested by a qualified person within the SU.
All equipment will be added to the SU Asset register.
If necessary, those using equipment will be supervised and/or trained on use by an appropriate person.
Food and Drink
Food from caterers and shops
A list of ingredients will be requested/made available.
Personal responsibility of students to check ingredients list and inform committee of any known allergies.
First Aider present on trips if necessary
Ensure that food is safely prepared in a clean kitchen using clean equipment
Ensure that due care is taken when using knives
All involved in food preparation to have read the information sheet pertaining to safe food handling
Hair tied back to avoid contamination
Hands washed before and after handling food
Ensure that the person handling the food is not responsible for handling money
All to wash hands before serving food
Hair to be tied back
Ensure that all equipment used is cleaned thoroughly before and after use
Ensure raw and cooked for are kept separate.
Food will be cooked in accordance to the recipe or cooking instructions.
Food will be stored in accordance to the manufactures guidelines.
Once cooked food will be stored in the fridge or freezer
Food will be consumed before the ‘use by’ date.
Care taken around hot equipment
Oven gloves will available to move hot saucepans etc
Avoid having more people than necessary around hot equipment
Remove unnecessary clutter for preparation area
Food from caterers and shops
It is the responsibility of the caterer to ensure all food safety standards have been met when preparing food.
It is the responsibility of members to check and inform caterers of any known allergies or dietary requirements.
SU Guide to Food Safety will be followed at all times
Intoxicated Students
Emergency number for Security on campus known by all committee members.
Designated committee members to remain sober on Society run trips.
Any Students too intoxicated to make it safely home from a Society run trip alone must be accompanied.
Under 18’s (if applicable)
Attending socials/affected committee and those involved
Committee members have a list of all under 18’s attending.
Committee members to advise students under 18 not to drink.
Under 18’s will not attend overnight trips.
Parental consent forms received for all events and activities.
Committees will seek advice from the Student’s Union regarding activities that may be affected if U18s attend.
Any concerns regarding excessive drinking behaviour should be reported to AWARE.
Bristol Socials
Students to be made aware of pick up and drop off times and locations.
It is the responsibility of those attending to ensure they arrive on time for coach departures.
If coach departure has been missed it is the responsibility of the individual to ensure they get safely home.
Register to be taken on arrival and departure.
Designated committee members will remain sober.
Trip lists will be submitted to the Activities Office in advance.
Bath Socials
Members will be reminded not to walk along the river edge whilst intoxicated.
Ensure all students are aware of the meeting time and place and how to get there before the social.
It is the responsibility of the members to ensure they know how to get home safely.
Designated committee members will remain sober
Bars and Clubs – travelling to and from/between/refused entry
When attending local bars and clubs, those attending will be advised to travel in pairs/groups when leaving.
Any student that is intoxicated and unable to look after themselves should be taken home by others and looked after until alcohol levels have dropped.
When attending bars and clubs during trips, those attending should make sure they know their whereabouts, accommodation location, taxi numbers etc. and follow the same controls as above.
If and when the society hosts an event in which alcohol is present a designated committee member will remain sober.
Obstacles on Stage
Ensure performance area is clear before performance begins. Performances must be confirmed and discussed with stage operators to ensure the area is suitable for the performance.
Trip over the wires on the sides of the stage
Wires will be secured by Backstage before the performance. Performers will be shown where wires are located.
Misjudgement of distance
Ensure routine fits well within the stage performance area.
Ensure all performers warm up beforehand. Only experienced members will be able to perform more advanced moves.
Falling from edge of stage
The edge of the stage will be clearly marked. Rehearsal of full routine will be completed before the actual performance to ensure there is enough space
Collision of performers
Rehearsal of full routine will be completed before the actual performance to ensure there is enough space
Heat exhaustion/dehydration/
Performers will be encouraged to drink enough water before and after the performance to ensure they remain hydrated. Performers will wear suitable clothing for the venue. When dancing outside individuals should ensure that they are wearing appropriate clothing for the elements.
Slip, trip or fall
Performers must wear suitable clothing and footwear for the surface on which they will be performing.
If performing outside on a stage the performance will not take place if it is raining, snowing, hailing or if there are high winds. If there is icy floor outside, it will be performed on non-slip gym mats that will be placed outside immediately before the performance.
Inappropriate Lighting
The dance instructor will liaise with Backstage/Stage Operator to confirm request and ensure that lighting is appropriate for the performance.
ICIA – Venues on Campus
When using venues on campus that belong to other areas for example ICIA. Bodysoc will ensure that they follow their procedures and venue requirements and any health and safety procedures set by ICIA.
All members are given a printed schedule of the competition day including the times for coach travel, the times they are competing and any rules they must follow. Members will be given mobile phone numbers of committee in the case of an emergency
Travel by Train
Regular head count and register to avoid members separating from party. Members advised not to stand or walk near edge of platform to avoid falling into path of train.
Assessor signature:
Lara Loussert
Print name: Lara Loussert
Review date: 08/09/13
Risk Assessment Action Plan
Action Plan in respect of:
Prepared by:
Ref no.
Action to be taken, incl. Cost
By whom
Target date
Review date
Outcome at review date
Responsible manager’s signature:
Responsible manager’s signature:
Print name:
Print name: