Join DAG and help us thrive in 2024/25!

Who are we?

We represent a student community for those who self-identify as disabled, and their allies, at the University of Bath. This includes students with long-term medical conditions, hidden / invisible illnesses, mental health difficulties, or other impairments. Our aim, as a diversity and support group, is to ensure our members feel empowered, understood, fairly treated and part of a friendly and supportive community of students

What do we do?

We provide a safe space for members to meet students who may face similar issues. In the 2024/25 academic year we have introduced our exciting Access Together programme of socials, which features events ranging from video gaming to accessible hockey to talks on aspects of being at university with a disability - find out more about this on the dedicated page!


We also hope this group can encourage postive change by voicing your views and challenging the university to ensure equal opportunities for all

How can I get involved?

To stay in the loop about all our upcoming events, "purchase" our FREE membership on this page. This gives you access to our regular emails, or follow our Instagram page. 




General Committee Member

Inclusivity Officer

Publicity Officer

Social Secretary