TRIALS 2023/2024

To sign up to the club and or sign up for trials, please come and meet the committee on The Parade on SU Sports Day, Wednesday 27th September between 11am and 3pm. 

If you are unable to visit our stall on SU Sports Day, you can register your interest by emailing the committee:


Trial Process

1) Sign up via the QR code on our instagram or by emailing us

2) You will be allocated a trial session in accordance with the availability you give when you sign up

3) Attend your trial in Founders Hall which will be run by the committee and team captains. If you are unable to attend, do not worry as we can always allocate you to your most appropriate squad at a later date, but please let our committee know so that your space in that session can be offered to someone else. 

4) The committee and captains will then inform you of your squad selection via email, or invite you to a second round trial the following week 

5) Following the second round of trials, team selections will be finalised (although squads are flexible) and you will be notified by email 

6) Team training sessions will commence by the third week of the first semester


Trial Dates

FRESHERS - Wednesday 4th October 11am-12pm; Friday 6th October 11.30 - 13.30; Friday 6th October 13.30 - 15.30

RETURNERS - Sunday 8th October 17:30 - 19:00

WOMEN - Sunday 8th October 17:30 - 19:00


UBVCC Ladies
5 photos
Updated Wed 14 Aug 2013
UBVCC 2013
5 photos
Updated Wed 14 Aug 2013
6 photos
Updated Mon 07 Sep 2009
UBVCC over 50 Years
5 photos
Updated Tue 31 Mar 2015
Club photos 2014/15
1 photo
Updated Wed 11 Mar 2015