Bath Jets Cheerleading Club is home to multiple National level stunt and dance teams. Including level 3 tumbling, level 2 non-tumbling, pom and lyrical squads.


Competitions and Training


Bath Jets competitive squads and dance squads compete in 2-3 National Competitions in the second semester of university, including Future Cheer (FC), British Cheerleading Association (BCA) and Legacy Cheer & Dance. Competitions are always a great way to get involved, support other squads and show off your hard work over the past months. The competitions are SUPER FUN and not like any other competition you've attended, the memories will last a lifetime. 

We also compete at Varsity which takes place in April, where we cheer for our University sports teams, such as netball, basketball, rugby and more, against Cardiff Met University. This year its Bath's turn to host Varsity so we will be stunting and dancing on home ground! We also have amazing opportunities to cheer for Wednesday afternoon sports games! So there is something for everyone! 



We have training sessions every week for each competitive squad. Recreational training is every Sunday evening. Competitive squads also have conditioning and stretching sessions once a week. Training can be intense but we get results, just have a scroll and look at how well our squads did last year!








Vice Chair


Assistant Rec and Performance Coach

Competition Organiser

Dance Coach

Performance and Rec Coach

Social Secretary

Squad Coach

Uniform Officer

Welfare and PR Secretary


18/19 Competitions
34 photos
Updated Thu 22 Aug 2019
17/18 Fight Night
7 photos
Updated Sun 24 Sep 2017
16/17 Competitions
48 photos
Updated Sun 24 Sep 2017
19/20 Cheer
5 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020
19/20 Pom
7 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020
19/20 Fresher Pom
3 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020
15/16 Socials
36 photos
Updated Tue 03 May 2016
15/16 Competitions
23 photos
Updated Tue 03 May 2016
15/16 Charity, Community Work and Awards
14 photos
Updated Tue 03 May 2016
15/16 Events
21 photos
Updated Tue 03 May 2016
19/20 Squads
2 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020
19/20 Jazz
8 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020
19/20 Recreational
3 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020