Sign Ups
Login and purchase membership to access all sign ups
Our regular sessions at the STV pool are:
- Mondays 9-10PM
- Tuesdays 8-10PM (Canoe Polo)
- Wednesday 9-10PM
- Thursday 9-10PM
And River sessions most Wednesdays!
Trip Sign-ups
- To go on any of our trips you must have bought Canoe club membership. You won't be allowed to paddle unless you have done a swim test (100m and tread water). This can be arranged by our coaching sec at a pool session.
- Before you go on any trip please pay for the cost of it by purchasing the appropriate product. All purchases for trips are done via the SU Bath website. Please pay promptly.
- When you sign up for a trip you are LIABLE FOR THE COST, in line with our Trip Policy. If you have to pull out of a trip you will need to find someone else to take your place or you will still be expected to pay the product. (Moral of the story, only sign up if you know for certain you're going to avoid committee members getting grumpy).
- The SU requires us to take some personal details from you before a trip (Emergency contacts, dietary/medical info etc.). This information stays with the SU and not used for any other reason.
- The trip organiser will be in contact via email/Facebook with trip details after you sign up.
- Keep up to date with our trips by following the Club Calendar.
Pool Sign-ups
- You must have completed a swim test and have bought Canoe Club membership to participate in pool sessions. The swim test requires you to swim 100m and tread water. Our coaching sec. can arrange a time for swim tests if you require one.
- Most of our pool sessions are open to everyone but some are only open to certain members/abilities (only really happens for open team polo training). Make sure you sign up for sessions relevant to you.
- If you cannot attend a pool session after signing up, please inform the organiser so someone else can take your place. We only have 18 boats and want to ensure everyone who wants to attend can do so. (Contact Coaching Sec for skill sessions or Polo rep for polo sessions).
- Due to the limited time we have, please arrive 5-10 minutes before the session starts.
- We can only use equipment that is poolside so don't bring any personal equipment like paddles or decks.

Risk Assessments and NOPs
Please read the risk assessments and normal operating procedures in the Health and Safety Portal.