Weil's Disease

Weil's Disease

Weil's disease (Leptospirosis) is an infection you can get from animals, soil, or water. As kayakers who paddle on the water this puts you at risk to catching the disease. It is rare in the UK so there is no need to panic about catching it. However, there are still cases in the UK, so it is good to know what the symptoms are and how to protect yourself.

From British Canoeing:

This is a bacterial infection normally believed to be spread by rat urine, though can also be transmitted by cat, fox and rabbit urine. Transmission is usually through an open wound or abrasion but can also be coursed by ingestion of contaminated water.

Symptoms (Flu like symptoms)

  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhoea
  • Headaches
  • Vomiting
  • Muscle pain

If untreated can be fatal, so if you feel ill after paddling you should tell your doctor as soon as possible and let them know where and when you have been on the water. 


  • Cover all cuts and abrasions with waterproof plasters.
  • Always wear footwear to avoid cutting the feet.
  • Avoid capsize or rolling practice in suspected waters.
  • Where possible shower soon after the activity
  • As a minimum always wash your hands after paddling and before eating or drinking

More information can be found from the NHS guidance.


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