About Us
Welcome to the Tabletop Gaming Society! Here we provide a space to experience a large number of games that are, of course, usually played on tabletops. Check out our Discord server if you are interested. We also have a WhatsApp group for key annoucements.
If you'd like to contact us formally our email is: su-tabletopsoc@bath.ac.uk
Whether you are an experienced tabletop gamer looking to meet those with similar interests, or just wanting to try something new, you are more than welcome to visit one of our sessions. As a society, we also have close ties with BVGS (the video gamers).
We are comprised of 7 core sections, namely:
- Board Gaming, Play a variety of board games that you may not have heard of.
- Playing Cards, A variety of classic card games like bridge.
- Lego, The Danish bricks, relaxed, creative and chilled sessions.
- Roleplaying Games, Use your imagination to play a character in one of our RPG sessions.
- Trading Card Games, Compete against other players by building and mastering your own decks.
- Wargaming, Pit armies against each other in games such as Warhammer 40K.
- Blood on the Clocktower, Lie and deceive your way through this exciting social deduction game.
We also hold regular Social events which all of our members are welcome to attend.
Weekly Schedule
RPGs are run throughout the week from 7.15pm to 10.05pm on a different days depending on the campaign and Socials are held every few weeks from 7pm to 10pm, at the Bath Pizza Co. Please note that the locations noted here are subject to change, Check the announcement channels on WhatsApp or Discord for the most up to date information.
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Boardgames (2pm - 6pm - room changes regularly, check whatsapp/discord each week)
- Thursday
- Lego (7.15pm - 10.05pm in 8W 2.23)
- Friday
- Saturday
These details may change from week to week depending on room availablity or other factors, join our Discord or WhatsApp group to stay up to date with any changes we may make.
We host a range of events, from our yearly taster day during freshers week, to semesterly megagames, as well as exciting one-off events to look forward to. Scroll to the bottom of this page to find out what's going down!
The University of Bath Tabletop Gaming Society's Logo was Designed and Created by Alexalotl. See more of her work here