Bath's theatre society/family. We run fun weekly informal workshops, put on many performances throughout the year (including at Bath Fringe Festival), and have plenty of funky socials.


There are 4 main shows per year which newcomers can audition for, plus 3 Fringe shows and 3 smaller shows. Returners’ is open to everyone who was in the society the previous year.

Shows are often cast together - Freshers’ Show & Christmas; Town Show & March Show, at the beginning of Semester 1 and 2 respectively. April Show is cast mid Semester 2 and Bath Fringe is cast at the end of the year. You will be guaranteed a part in one of the Fringe shows, ‘Show in a Week’ and ‘24 Hour Play’ if you want one!

Auditions usually take place over a full weekend. Your audition will last around 20 minutes in which you will read a monologue and duologue from the show you want to audition for and this will be recorded to allow directors to review and compare later when casting roles. The cast list is released as soon as possible after auditions are finished and the cast for all shows has been finalised.

We do our best to keep these auditions as relaxed as possible. There’s a full selection of snacks available for you to enjoy at the beginning and end of your audition. Feel free to chat with the directors to get as comfortable as possible.

Audition pieces will be released on our Facebook pages several weeks before the auditions. These include a series of monologues and duologues of which you have to pick one each. They don’t necessarily need to be for the same character. You are also not expected to learn the pieces if you do not want to. At the same time, a signup genius link will be sent out where you can book your 20 minute audition slot.


Several days prior to the audition, forms will be released through Google forms. They will also be available to fill out at the beginning or end of your audition. In this, you will notify the directors which shows you want to audition for, if you have preference for a particular show, the part size you would like and any dates you will be unavailable for. We will also work with BUSMS (Bath University Student Musicals Society) so you can audition for their shows as well if you so wish.

To see an example of this form, click here!


The room location will be released several days before the auditions. A practice room will also be available which you can use if you arrive early or want to practice with other members before your slot.

And that’s it! Come along and smash your audition. Feedback from directors will also be available from the directors if you wish after the results have been announced.

If auditions terrify you, don't worry - they terrify us too! Always feel free to contact committee if you want audition advice, or contact other BUST members to practice audition pieces. Directors are also happy to answer queries on characterisation or what the audition will be like, so just message them on facebook or email BUST and ask for their contact details.

Good Luck :)



Events Coordinator

Publicity Officer

Social Secretary


Welfare and Inclusivity Officer


Past Productions 2015/16
66 photos
Updated Fri 19 Aug 2016
Bust Camping
5 photos
Updated Tue 22 Aug 2017
Past Productions '22-23
81 photos
Updated Thu 29 Jun 2023
productions 2016-17
19 photos
Updated Tue 22 Aug 2017
Past Productions 2021 -22
33 photos
Updated Thu 15 Sep 2022
Past Productions 2014-15
127 photos
Updated Sat 01 Aug 2015
Past Productions 2013-2014
47 photos
Updated Mon 11 Aug 2014
Past Productions 2012-2013
68 photos
Updated Wed 21 Aug 2013
2015/16 SOCIALS
9 photos
Updated Thu 18 Aug 2016
BUST Socials
18 photos
Updated Sat 01 Aug 2015
Past Productions 2011-12
64 photos
Updated Tue 19 Feb 2013
Shows before 2011
13 photos
Updated Sun 28 Oct 2007