
A dance style, like breaking, popping or locking will have its own history, vocabulary, and culture. Choreography is simply inspired by any or multiple styles, and packaged into a choreographed routine. This routine may be for performance, competition or commercial purposes. So, choreography is not a style in itself, but it commonly blends different styles together. 

At Burban, we offer alot of classes called "choreography". What this means is the teacher is teaching their style, influenced by their experience with various street styles. Different teachers will create routines of different levels and it's important to pay attention to the level when choosing which classes you'd like to go to.


Commercial Hip Hop

Now this is where labels get tricky, because some dancers don’t think this is a legit form of hip hop. This is the type of choreography (again inspired by street styles) that you see in music videos, at concerts with backup dancers, on TV and in advertisements. It has a huge influence on mainstream media and the image the public sees of dance. 

It’s very hard to define what form of dance choreography is, and the community has a hard time explaining it themselves- so why not just show you what it looks like!



Burban 2018-2019
7 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020
Burban 2016-2017
31 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020
Burban 2017-2018
15 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020
Burban 2019-2020
22 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020
Burban 2004-2014
24 photos
Updated Thu 13 Aug 2020
Burban 2014-2015
9 photos
Updated Thu 13 Aug 2020
Burban 2015-2016
13 photos
Updated Sat 24 Sep 2016
BURBAN 2021-2022
2 photos
Updated Mon 22 Aug 2022