Committee Members

Say hello to the committee of 2023- 2024! If you see us around campus or in training, feel free to come talk to us or ask any questions. We're a really friendly, chill and welcoming bunch, we promise you!

Chair - Han

Instagram: chkahhan
Pronouns: He/Him
Course: Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence student
Year: 4
Hello! I'm Han, a final year Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence student.
I'm relatively new to dancing and have recently begun learning Popping. I'm excited to connect with all of you and learn together. If you have any inquiries about the society or our activities, please don't hesitate to contact me via email or Instagram. 
Looking forward to the year and meeting all of you soon!


Secretary - Ntunu

Instagram: nimsanii_art
Pronouns: She/They
Course: Physics
Year: 2
Hey! My name is Ntunu, I am a 2nd year physics student and I will be your secretary this year!
I started dance early 2022 but I didn't properly get into it until September 2022. Through BURBAN I have had the opportunity to perform, learn and improve my skills. For the past year I have gotten to try so many styles of dance, my favourites have afro, break and vogue. 
I started BURBAN with no prior skills or training, just a lot of excitement and I have seen myself and others grow as dancers and I hope the same for all of you!

Treasurer - Tanjil

Pronouns: He/Him
Course: Economics and Mathematics
Year: 2
Hello hello! This is Tanjil. I’m in my 2nd year studying Econ and Maths and I’ll be your treasurer this year!
I’m still quite new to dancing. I started last year with Burban, and since then I have had the opportunity to try out different styles like hiphop, breaking, house and vogue. 
Being a part of Burban really helped me break out of my shell. I had a lot of fun with everyone, and I got to meet some insanely talented people along the way. The dance studio has become my favourite place to be on campus. It’s just good vibes all around. If you’re on the fence about joining Burban, I highly recommend you give it a shot! I’m looking forward to meeting you all~

Choreo Leader - Sian

Instagram: sian_casilao
Pronouns: she/her
Course: Natural Sciences
Year: 2
Hii! I’m Sian, a 2nd year Natural Sciences student and the Choreo Leader for this year!
I only started dancing with Burban, but I have learnt so much and the friendly, welcoming atmosphere made it a great place to start! 
I choreographed for a few shows last year and it was a good challenge that I enjoyed a lot so it will be exciting to start teaching more classes this year :)
I hope to make this year’s classes just as fun as they’ve always been and make Burban a place where anyone can learn, grow, and enjoy!

Foundations Leader - Nic

Instagram: nicolasmortreuil
Pronouns: He/Him
Course: Chemistry
Year: 2
Hi Everyone! I’m Nic, I’m a 2nd year Chemistry student and the Foundations Leader for this year! 
I’ve been dancing house, popping, hip hop, breaking and more for 11 years and have been teaching since 2020. I’ve had the privilege of teaching at studios in London such as Base, Studio 68 and others as well as abroad. I’m a battle dancer and freestyler but don’t shy away from choreography. 

I hope to be able to teach everyone styles you might not have encountered before, as well as giving you a safe space to explore and develop your freestyle!
Can’t wait to get started with you all!

Social sec - Kevin

Instagram: h.ukei
Pronouns: he/him
Course: Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Year: 2
Hello everyone, I’m Kevin and will be this year's social secretary for BURBAN! I study Electronics and Electrical Engineering(yeah it’s a mouthful but I just say EEE). I only started dancing(hip hop and breaking) last year at BURBAN and found myself practising breaking a lot during my spare time. Even though I was a total beginner, the environment at BURBAN felt really chill and I found it a really friendly group to be in.
Filling in large shoes from the previous year(Hayley), it had many amazing activities and I hope to make all socials this year to be just as inclusive and comfortable for anyone to join. Whether you’ve just joined, have been a part of the society for years, or are aspiring to join, I’ll make sure every event feels welcome.

Media Manager - Leanne

Instagram: leannefong
Pronouns: She/Her
Course: Management with Marketing
Year: 2
Hey everyone! I’m Leanne, I study Management with Marketing, and I’m the Media Manager for the upcoming academic year :) 
I previously did ballet for about 10 years, so Burban’s styles like Hip Hop and Break are relatively new to me. Nonetheless, our society’s inclusive nature has made it so easy for me to learn new dance genres from the ground up, and I have fostered awesome friendships with people of all backgrounds thanks to our laidback and fun classes. 
I hope I can encourage others to do the same via our socials, such as Instagram and TikTok, and if you’ve got any questions about classes, our culture, or anything at all, don’t hesitate to drop us a dm on socials - I’m more than happy to help out! Hope to see ya at our regular sessions!

Wellbeing and inclusivity - Pomme

Instagram: pomme.j
Pronouns: She/Her
Course: International Management with German
Year: 4
Hiya! My name is Pomme and I’m heading into my final year studying International Management with German and will be your Welfare Officer for this year :) 
I started dancing around summer 2020 and have recently ventured more into R&B and hiphop during my placement year abroad in Germany, but I also enjoy choreography. 
I’m hoping to get to know as many people as possible this year, make Burban a space you can come too for fun, enjoyment, destressing, anything really, and create a close knit family this year like Burban always has been for me. Super excited to meet everyone, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!

Advisor - Hayley

Instagram: jlhk_16
Pronouns: she/her
Course: Biochemistry 
Year: 3
Hi everyone! I’m Hayley and I’ll be the advisor of Burban for the upcoming year!
Since I’m away on placement, I might not get a chance to meet all of you but I’ll be working in the background to keep Burban running smoothly! If we have the chance, I hope to get to know everyone and share our passions for dance!
I started dancing at university with Burban, so I know it’s a great place to start your dance journey and develop your skills! Whether you’ve been dancing for a long time or not, consider giving Burban a try yourself!



Burban 2004-2014
24 photos
Updated Thu 13 Aug 2020
Burban 2018-2019
7 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020
BURBAN 2021-2022
2 photos
Updated Mon 22 Aug 2022
Burban 2017-2018
15 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020
Burban 2016-2017
31 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020
Burban 2014-2015
9 photos
Updated Thu 13 Aug 2020
Burban 2015-2016
13 photos
Updated Sat 24 Sep 2016
Burban 2019-2020
22 photos
Updated Wed 12 Aug 2020