Whether you are already a member, wondering about joining, or would like to work with the society, visit our website for everything you need to know about the University of Bath's Debating Society.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find the answer to your question below, please email us at su-debatingsoc@bath.ac.uk or post the question on our Facebook or Instagram pages.

What sorts of things do you debate?

Mostly politics or issues in current affairs, which can often be ideas that would not be discussed in the real world. We also do the occasional silly motion. See the motions page for an idea of the topics we pick and are traditionally found at debating competitions.

Can I just watch or do I have to speak at the training sessions?

You are very welcome to just come along and watch, though it really is a lot more fun to speak! We won't force you to. Most new members have never debated before and it takes practice to get good at it.

How long do I have to prepare my speech?

After we vote on the motion and decide who speaks, teams get 15 minutes to think about what the main points they want to make will be. Motions should require only the level of knowledge you would get from the news, although a little extra never hurts!

Do I have to turn up to training every week / can I start midway through the year?

We don't insist that you come every week or that you can only join in October, just come along when you can. Of course we hope that you will enjoy it so much that you will want to go every week: the more you practice, the better you will get!


Warwick IV
3 photos
Updated Sun 13 Feb 2011
Recent Photos
5 photos
Updated Fri 09 Oct 2015
Essex IV
5 photos
Updated Thu 01 Aug 2013
4 photos
Updated Tue 22 Jan 2013
Over the years
2 photos
Updated Tue 22 Jan 2013