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Education Officer Blog

Amber's Step By Step Guide to Appeals at the University of Bath

Following on from publishing my IMC guide - here is the possible next step of appeals!


Disclaimers as usual - the instagram style intro has not been registry approved (sorry!), but both the flowchart and the former post however has been. This also outlines your process and stuff I have found in a way that I think makes sense - it doesn't guarantee your appeal getting accepted.

This includes an outline of what an appeal is with definitions of key terms, followed by a flow chart of the stage one appeals process with a written alternative underneath.


Title slide reading "Amber's plain language guide to appeals"Slide about what appeals are - text reads "Appeals are against final academic decisions due to specific circumstances."Slide explaining what is an academic decision - text reads "Progression e.g., requesting to resit or resubmit an assessment, retake a unit/semester/year, or withdraw  Marks that have an effect on your overall classification  Your final classification"

Slide explaining what is a "circumstance" in appeals - "Late IMCs  Procedural iregularities e.g., adding up marks wrong, incorrect marks put in, or total marks being wrong.  Predjuice, bias, or inadequate assessment by one or more examiners  A difference in academic approach, or non-apparent theories/concepts for PGR only"

Slide about what the process of appeals are - text reads "You apply for an appeal (stage 1), and this is reviewed by your Board of Studies.  If you want to review the decision following the result of your appeal, you then go onto stage 2."


Appeal Stage One Flowchart

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