Posted on Fri 14 Mar 2025 at 09:38 by
Amber Snary
Hello my loves!
This has been sitting in the Academic Rep channel for a WHILE but with dissertation season around the corner, exam timetables coming out next Monday, and me in my final 100 odd days of office, I thought I would share it with y'all here for ease of finding!
Disclaimers as usual - these guides haven't been through the rigour of registry (sorry!) - the former post however has been. This also outlines your process and stuff I have found in a way that I think makes sense - it doesn't guarantee your IMC getting accepted. Remember the phrasebank as well !! It took what feels like a million years so I want it to go to good use <3
I hope this helps, and if you have any more q's or need clarification, pop me a message or head to SU Advice and Support !
With that, lets jump in !