For many a year now, there has been an absolute void between unit evaluations and the Big Bad NSS (said very lovingly, but how intimidating were those phone calls for a generation that doesn’t open the door if we aren’t expecting someone to do so?). This has meant that there has been a lot of feedback from y’all asking for something to help those who aren’t knee deep in dissertations and final year projects reflect on their experience at University beyond specific unit feedback – and here it is!
Now, seeing that this is all kinda “feedback loop” themed, I’m gonna walk you through the questions through the medium of loops, circles, and all things cylindrical.
I really am running out of blog ideas aren’t I ?

First – Narcissus being stuck in his own reflection, for an overall reflection (get it??) of your course.
These questions look at building what you have previously learned, applying and connecting your learning to real-world problems and issues, and if your course seems to be a coherent and integrated whole. Whole. Like a circle… like.. wait hold on – I think I have another terrible circle reference incoming –

Second – The Ferris Wheel of Assessments.
This sounds simultaneously like a tarot card you haven’t quite picked up yet as well as a reference to my beloved seaside – but Ferris Wheel fits perfectly here for how you step on and start an assessment, building it up and submitting it, the wait as the stress comes down and you wait for results and – oh wait – this is a loop – we’re doing another assessment.
These questions touch on marking criteria clarity, how much feedback helps you to improve your work, the balance of assessments and more.

Third – Roundabouts
I still can’t drive, but I am very much in awe of the organisation and management of roundabouts – I am kinda convinced y’all become psychic for a hot minute because how do you know who is coming and going? But that’s why its perfect for this set of questions – this is all about how much you feel supported, communicated to, how your workload is, all things y’all bring up in your SSLCs, and that’s why we now have –

Fourth – The One True Ring
This section hits on student voice – meaning you’re in the metaphorical lime light – or, to keep in with the loop metaphor, the ring light! This looks at how you give feedback on your course, how clearly its acted on, and how simply free you feel to express your ideas!

Fifth – The Wheels on the Bike go Round and Round
Okay, so bikes may be a little bit on the nose here – because this bit is for sustainability. Plain and simple.

Sixth - *email notification sound*
Often heard in the library when someone forgets to mute their laptop and has on giant headphones – emails are my circular choice here for learning resources. You get a lot of learning resources from your emails (moodle forums anyone?) and the cycle of sending email getting email sending email is most definitely a loop.
Theres a whole host of learning resources all scrunched into a single question here – so let us know what you think of moodle, reading lists, your beloved subject librarians…

Seven – Hula Hoop!
Okay back to the super obvious circles – this hula hop is standing in for wellbeing. We wanna know here how you’re finding your wellbeing support, and how much you feel like you’re in a community. Now, you might want to do a en masse hula hoop class, but that would be terrifying for me, and so, I’ll give you our final circle –

Eight – Medals !
So, Bath is very famed for our Olympians right? So where else would we wind up? This final loop, circle, terribly overstrained blogpost theme is for your overall satisfaction. This is for you to pop off – tell us what you’ve loved, what you’ve hated, what you’ve found almost embarassingly mid – we want to know, and as the student, you know best.
Okay ! With that, we have finally made it to the sweet end – thank you for keeping with me, and I hope you get a lovely loop this week- like finishing a good book and having to set up yet another book as “reading” on goodreads.