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Education Officer Blog

My back-up career plan? Cheese.

Hello my loves!


This week also has been an absolutely hectic one and so I wanted to give you just an absolute whistle stop tour of bits and bobs I've been up to!


There's been loads of events with you, our students, we have been bugging you if you are a PGT to form societies (I am so down to see what a spiritualism society would do btw), asking you to say hello in as many languages as you can to promote language PAL, and of course screaming support for Bath at rugby at the rec!


There's also been some interesting bits and bobs in university meetings, I had a gorgeous away day as a member of university council at the pump rooms in town, which was a lot (A LOT) of higher level university and governmental policy, but a place where I was also able to emphasise the need for student voice again and again. That was also education quality and standards committee (EQSC), which was a lot about the office for students B conditions - something that you should totally watch this space for if you're an academic rep who also wants to nerd out about policy! We also had honorary degrees committee, which is where members of the university, external lay members of council, and I get to see it so many amazing applications for people to be given honorary degrees. It is always so both inspiring and terrifying to see how much people have contributed to Bath and to the world at large. I'm not allowed to give you any spoilers here, as it is strictly confidential, but there is at least one honorary degree recipient (fingers crossed!) who I really hope gets the degree whilst I'm still in post so that I get to cheer embarrassingly loud!


We've also come to a really neat end of week - as I write this former education officer (and my first education officer, back in 2019!) Ruqia is coming to give a talk for Black History Month. I have already praised former education officers here on the blog, but it is no secret that I believe the work Ruqia is doing around race equality is just simply amazing.


And just to throw a curveball in there, I will be spending my Friday in London starting to learn how to be a cheesemonger. No, really. It was a birthday present to myself because I sincerely miss any kind of formal education - I will report back with at least some of what I've learned.


With that I hope you all have a glorious weekend, and I can't wait until I see you next blog post!


Continuing on the (new) tradition of adding BSL/SSE to my blog posts – your words this week are:

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