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Education Officer Blog

Help ! I need to get my life together ! A guide for all the things you might have missed during FW

Hello my loves!


If there is anything that is not a secret it is that 1) I am old (a ripe old 25 thanks to the deadly combo of early birthday, and both gap and placement years), and 2) that I am as a result a weird treasure trove of knowledge. So, I'm using this to give you seven things to do across seven days to really set up your life here in Bath:


1) Register, Register, Register

Okay starting off with a cheeky three in one, I'm gonna tell you to GO RIGHT NOW and register for stuff locally. You can register online to vote, and for a GP, and when youre next in town, head into the central library. Why ?

Well, voting is cool, but also having your voting address matching your bank address improves your credit score for one - so when your phone breaks you can get an even better deal.

If I need to tell you why you need to register at a GP, then you havent been hit with freshers flu and I envy you.

The central library is a consistently warm space you can study in town, and registering at the library boosts its funding so it can stay open and stay warm. Not only this, Waitrose is downstairs, and if you bring a reusable cup you can get a free hot drink for your study sessions from the cafe nero machine. You have to buy something, but that something can be anything from a sweet lil treat to literally 2p worth of loose carrots.


2) Check if youre eligible for a HC1

If you have less than 16k in income and savings (thats more than youd reach with max english student finance and bursaries) you can get your prescriptions for free. You check your eligibility, download the form, and send it off ! In some cases (e.g., if you're a student on 6k or less) you can even apply online here.


3) If youve got it, flaunt it

Hey fellow DAPpers (name pending) - emailing all your lecturers saying you have a DAP (Disability Access Plan) means they simply cant miss it (as they currently can, having to click through every student). I even made a template email for y'all because I love y'all which you can see on my post all about DAPs. You also deserve your physical accommodations, it is quite literally the law. The deadline for exam arrangements is also coming up in about a month, so dont miss it !


4) Get all your free stuff

Activate your sports pass so youre not left fumbling when invited to a last minute game, spread the glorious news that you can borrow wheelchairs from security, check out all the stuff you can dip in and out of like Bath Active, Language Cafes, and local bits and bobs I ALSO have a blog post for (this is why I am the officer mum)


5) Get your societies pass

It is £3, gets you into as many societies as you please, on newsletters, ability to join masquerade ball later in the year (I cant emphasise the RUSH this has every year), its amazing. If you're baulking at the cost of joining and engaging with a society because the student finance system is frankly broken, let me remind you of the SU Access Fund ! We want you to be able to get involved, just ask.


6) Find your community

It is cold, hard, evidenced that developing a community (especially on your course) boosts your wellbeing and grades - why wouldnt you join in? Get to know your academic rep for when things go both wrong and right in the classroom, your peer mentor to get your feet on the ground, your peer assisted learning scheme so stats dont make you wanna curl up into a ball... (sorry, just thinking back right now).


7) Know your officers

We are literally hired by you, make use of us !

Oh but Amber ! Who do I go to for what ? Well, you can check out our manifestos over on our pages, or also just pop a general email - we will pick it up if its relevant for us ! You can always bug me about:

  • All things academic and educational - hence the name!
  • Academic reps
  • University finance (and campaigns related to it - like investments and bursaries)
  • Access and Participation Plan
  • All things disability, widening participation etc - especially where you want some experiential knowledge
  • Educational rights ! How do IMCs, appeals, extensions etc work ? Where have they gone wrong ?

Theres most defintely more, but as I write this I am sadly a bit wracked by freshers flu - so drop me a line if youre curious !

This weeks signs are...

Inspired by PAL and language cafe - I'm going to try and bring you some BSL with every blog post ! I am currently primarily self-teaching using resources from the d/Deaf community, and if y'all want a seperate post on this just let me know !

Students Union (Which you sign as 'student' a bunch of times, then 'union')

University of Bath (signed as 'University' and 'Bath') - fun fact, the sign for Bath comes from the old tradition of flipping a coin into the Roman Baths and making a wish !

Very demure, very mindful, very cutesy (as seen via CampusTV)

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