Posted on Wed 15 May 2024 at 16:55 by
Amber Snary
EDIT: These have been -registry approved- and are still useful, but there are new, shinier, even easier to follow guides in the academic rep channels, which are ALSO registry approved (woo!). Ask your rep if you want them, or keep an eye on this space for when I (eventually) upload them here :)
Hello lovely people !
These graphics (registry approved)! have been sitting in the 'useful info' section of the academic rep chat for a while now, so if you have already seen these floating about in groupchats, apologies. But here are some super short and sweet graphics to explain the IMC and appeals processes.
As always, remember to check the webpages for both IMCs and appeals, and good luck !

Plain text
IMCs are for unexpected and significant situations beyond your control - that impact your assessment
IMCs can Allow an exam board some discretion in decisions made about your outcomes beyond the normal ones for your course
IMCs can't Change your mark, allow a retake where you have already passed the unit, or change your outcomes more than the rules for your course allow
Apply for an extension
This is for coursework only, and varies between departments, so make sure to check in with your unit conveyor
Get help !
Talk to your Director of Studies, and SU Advice & Support about your circumstances
Fill out your form Forms vary between departments, so make sure to double check. Advice & Support can help with this.
Get your evidence together
There is a reference list online, and Advice & Support can double-check
Submit within 3 working days
You will be told the result of your IMC with your results.
If accepted, this will show as ‘MC’ on your transcript

Plain text
Appeals are against final academic decisions due to specific circumstances
Academic decisions include
- Progression to the next stage
- Remain on course
- Marks, degree, or classification.
Circumstances include
- IMCs that could not be disclosed at the time
- Procedural irregularities
- Evidence of examiner prejudice or bias
- Genuine academic differences (research degrees only)
Apply for an appeal within 14 days of getting your final academic decision. Evidence can be provided after this.
This is considered byyour Board of Studies,and you will be notified by letter.
If you want to review the decision, within 14 days of your letter
2A - if no case was made
Request the Director of Academic Registry reviews the appeals process and outcome, using form 2A
2B - if a case was made
Ask the Senate Secretary to hold a Student Academic Appeals Committee, using form 2B.
If needed, you can then make an external appeal with the Office of the Independent Adjudicator.