Posted on Thu 25 Jan 2024 at 09:40 by
Hanna Hajzer
Hey guys!
I have had quite a busy last couple of days (well since I wrote my last blog post) and I am so excited to tell you about it all!
A real highlight, and quite an obvious one, is getting to speak at one of the winter graduation ceremonies in the Abbey! I know I have done other graduation speeches before as well but it never stops being special. The Abbey is just so beautiful and the atmosphere is amazing! It makes me so proud (and a little jealous) to watch everyone get their degrees. It was actually especially motivating to see so many masters and doctorate degrees being given out this time around- made me seriously consider doing another course (probably not a doctorate just yet but potentially a masters?)

I have also had quite a few meetings over the last couple of days regarding the Top 10 points. I am mainly leading on the early arrival one for international students. The discussions are going so well- we have even set up a separate group of people whom I can work together with in order to come up with a set of programmes for the new students! We are thinking about a range of different activities, from helping them to open a bank account to pub quizzes and socials. I think it is going to be beneficial for so many people, especially those that have never been to the UK before.
A really exciting thing that happened this week is having therapy dogs come to campus! It was such a busy event and was so nice! As someone that’s not doing exams at the moment, I still feel so much less stressed after being able to pet some dogs for an hour, so I hope that those of you with exams feel a little bit better too! My favourite is the great Dane that comes to all the dog therapies and dog walks! He is such a sweet and gentle boy despite being the biggest dog I have ever seen in my life! I can’t even begin to imagine how much his owner has to feed him though…
I hope you guys are doing okay and managing all the exams and coursework! If you have finished- congratulations! If not yet- you’ve got this! Only a couple of days to go!
Good luck for the next couple of days to everyone and enjoy your ISB!
LOL (lots of love)