Posted on Fri 12 Jan 2024 at 15:34 by
Hanna Hajzer
Hey everyone!
Happy New Year!! (when is it the right time to stop saying that?) Although I don't have too much to report on, I thought I would just put together a quick blog post to give you some updates from my first full week back to work after the holidays.
I headed home to Budapest to see my family over Christmas and while it was so lovely to have a (much needed) break, I really missed my SU Officer team! I don’t think I realised quite how much until I returned to the office, but seeing them again after 3 weeks apart has definitely been the highlight of my week so far. However, the Christmas markets, chimney cakes and glasses of mulled wine did make the time go by a lot faster.
Other than catching up with the other officers, I have mainly just been trying to get back into the day-to-day hustle of the SU life! I’ve been getting back to emails and scheduling meetings to make sure that Semester 2 gets of to the best possible start. I wish I had more eciting news to report about, but with it being revision week and a lot of people still being away on holiday, things are slightly slower than usual.
Also just wanted to wish you all a massive good luck for all your revision and exams! I know returning to revision after a break can feel like a mental marathon, so remember to be kind to yourself and take breaks. Spend some time relaxing with friends and make sure that you get outside for a walk! You’ve got this- and don't forget, you have ISB to look forward to!
I’ll catch up with you properly in the next few weeks when I’ve got a bit more to share,
LOL (lots of love),
Also here is a super cute picture of Doug and I in Christmas mode... but I think he pulled off his festive outfit better than I did mine... not that I'm salty about it or anything :D