Posted on Fri 15 Sep 2023 at 10:38 by
Hanna Hajzer
Hi guys!
I hope you have had a lovely week and have somehow managed to survive the last couple of days of unexpected heat! I do enjoy summer and the warm weather but sitting in the boiling office is strangely not as fun as it sounds. Anyways, I am sure I will be complaining about the weather as soon as it starts raining again so mother nature just doesn’t have a chance to do right by me.
Just wanted to hop on here to update you about a couple of things that have happened over the last 2 or so weeks. I have started meeting with a lot of future students that will be beginning their studies in a couple of weeks. Afterall Freshers Week is only 9 days away (well move-in weekend is at least) which is just crazy! How has time flown by so quickly! I am both excited and terrified at the same time, I am just not great with anticipation! I know already it is going to be so much fun- getting to help out the FWEMs and being able to take part in the training of the Freshers Captains is going to be both so exciting and strange- as someone that has been a captain twice herself, it will be strange to be on the other side of the lecture hall.
I have also had the opportunity to hold a couple of talks for some students that will be joining us very shortly. It is just so excited to hear about what clubs and societies they are planning on joining, what they are excited for during Freshers Week and what they are worried about. Makes me almost miss being a fresher (only almost though haha). Me and the other officers are already planning a trip to the fabric shop to get our togas for the final arena night which just can’t come soon enough!
We have also officially finalised and sent out our Top 10 list to the university. Just as a memory refresher- the top 10 is a list that we, the officers, comply over the summer and it includes things that we want to achieve and changes we want to see at the university. We were quite nervous about it as we were getting close to the finish line and had some little panic moments when we suddenly wanted to make some last-minute changes but with all the amazing staff support that we got we managed to finalise it! So that’s one big thing we can tick off the list!
We also held an Open Day on Saturday (in the middle of the heat wave) which went really successfully I think. Apart from me sweating through all layers of the SU Stash while having 2 fans simultaneously blow on me, I had the chance to talk to so many prospective students and their parents and tell them about all the different things the SU has to offer. I think the day went really well but I will be taking it as a personal offence if any of the kids I talked to don’t put Bath as their firm choice later on this year. But like no pressure of course…
Anyways, I think this is going to be it for now, I will write an update again once we have survived Freshers Week (or should I say *if* we survive it…). Anyways, wish me luck everyone, I will need it!
Talk to you guys soon!
PS.: Us at the climate action awards after getting our climate pledge pins :D