Posted on Mon 04 Sep 2023 at 10:32 by
Hanna Hajzer
Hey guys! ??
I have so many interesting things to tell you about from the last couple of days! We have been travelling and went to Dartmouth Avenue, UWE Bristol and even Exeter! It has been so exciting to be able to go to look at other universities and SUs and meet and talk to so many other officers from different cities! Last week we were in Bristol and I was able to have some really good discussions with some of the Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter and Bath Spa Officers about what they are working on, what their biggest struggles are and how they are approaching solving these. I have been able to collect some really useful information and ideas from them regarding the cost of living crisis, safety and different sustainability projects, that we will hopefully be able to utilise and recreate during the next couple of months!
Then yesterday we were in Exeter where we had another conference and talked about some issues that we as an SU find really important as well. We focused on topics such as how and who to talk to when you want to make a change, the cap on working hours for international students with a student visa, international student bursaries and getting students to register to vote! We realised that the other officer teams agreed with a lot of what we had to say, and we shared ideas about how to go about solving these issues. We also took a stroll around the university campus of Exeter and not going to lie, it is pretttyyyy nice (not jealous at all…).
We also met up with Bath Spa at Dartmouth Avenue last week to talk about the SCP (Student Community Partnership) ad we were told about what it is for, how both students and locals can benefit from it and how we, as officers, can be a part of it as well. It was really interesting to hear about these things as we are always striving towards the integration of the student community into the local community.
Jiji and I also filmed an International Q and A live on the SU Instagram where we answered a lot of your questions about being an international student in the UK, what to bring, what to buy and how to prepare for the experience! We actually had so much fun doing it! If you are interested in watching it, it has been posted on the Instagram account as a permanent post as well so feel free to look it up if you have some questions about being an international student in Bath!
Here are a couple of group pics of us being in Bristol and Bath with the other officers<3
Talk to you guys soon!
LOL (lots of love)