Posted on Thu 17 Aug 2023 at 09:22 by
Hanna Hajzer
Hey guys!
Can’t believe it is already time for another update. It is crazy that we have been in our positions for over 2 months now, time is really just flying by (obviously we are just having TOO much fun…)! Anyways, here are a couple of things that are worth mentioning from the last couple of days. Enjoy??
The creation of the SU Top 10, which is a list of 10 things that the SU, as an organization, wants to focus on during the upcoming year. Is in its final stages. Some of the other officers and I have put a lot of effort and energy into fighting for making the international student experience better at our university. We have brought our concerns to the university’s senior management team, so hopefully the ball will start rolling very soon! Just as an example, a couple of things that we want to work on include things like accommodation bursaries for international students, an international buddy system and putting more effort and resources into cultural celebrations throughout the year! As an international student myself, I am REALLY passionate about these things and can’t wait to see things change for the better! So, fingers crossed everything keeps moving in the right direction!
We have also spent some time in front of the camera during the last few days. We are recording things for our student leaders, such as informational videos about the PAL scheme the SU has running as well as videos for Freshers’ Week 2023 and things to help the new students that are coming to Bath prepare for their life as a university student. The FWEMs (Freshers’ Week Event Managers) are also doing an amazing job at communicating with the soon to be freshers, and I am sure many of them can’t wait for September to finally arrive!
Another exciting piece of news that I MUST share with you guys is that we had therapy dogs come to campus last week. Our amazing and wonderful Postgraduate Officer, Jura. Organized the whole event and we filled the Edge with dogs for 2 hours, which we got to pet, play with, and even show YouTube videos to (seriously, one of the dogs LOVED watching videos of cats on the phone, it was amazing). Anyways, it was that day that I decided that I LOVE MY JOB (seriously though, best day ever, thank you Jura <3!). Finally, another happy piece of news, which isn’t specifically related to the SU, but feel like I still need to share- the Lionesses are playing in the World Cup final on Saturday, so don’t forget to tune in and support them.
I will attach a couple of adorable pictures of the therapy dog session below my post so that you guys can get a feel of what went down in case you could not make it.
Other than that, I will be back with more news in a couple of days again. Some exciting things should be happening before the long weekend, so I will most definitely have things to talk about (and can’t wait to do so :D)!
Talk to you guys soon,