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Activities Officer Blog

New Year Same Me: a new academic year update

Hey gang,  


It’s been one heckin’ long time since I last wrote one.  


As you can tell I am not one for blogs really but I thought it would be good to write my first one of the year before the academic year officially starts!  


Since I last saw you here’s a list of things I have done: 

  • Opened a food pantry for undergrads during exam season and postgrads over the Summer. 

  • I have been to Lancaster and back for a cost of living and sustainability conference. 

  • I have been planning a hitch hike to Paris! 


  • Handed over to myself and helped to induct a brand spanking new officer team! Said goodbye to some dear friends ? Hanna, Abbie and Jura we miss you <3 

  • Helped to write an SU strategy document for the next few years. 

  • Welcomed in the New vice Chancellor: Professor Phil Taylor. 

  • Been on holiday to Albufeira and Prague (lovely places btw I highly recommend) 

  • Affiliated a whole bunch of new societies taking our total number to 135! 

  • Watched a bunch of friends graduate which included 2 friends that I have known since year 7 and my best mate. Shoutout to Tom, Lewis and Enerel <3 love you guys. It really feels like the end of an era, but don’t worry we’re still friends even if we’re spread out. 


  • Met my counterparts in other SU’s in Birmingham NUS Lead and Change where I gave a workshop on how to deal with the cost-of-living crisis as an SU and as an institution, which people said they really enjoyed. What can I say? I love social policy.  

  • I have finally got Hindu Prayer space ticked off my agenda! DING DING DING. This was an unexpected project that I led on but and I’m thrilled to get the outcome we were hoping for. The space will hopefully be ready for the new intake of students in September! 

  • Looked to create a faith and cultural forum where students can come and talk about their faith and cultural related issues! 

  • I chaired my first meeting of Finance, Risk and Business Development! I was super nervous cause this was a board meeting, but I prepared well and actually managed end the meeting with 3 minutes to spare (huffs in pride and time management).  


Looking back on this it really does seem like I had a productive summer! I can proudly say I’ve managed to get a lot done not just over this summer period but over my first year as an SU officer. All of this I couldn’t have done without the help of my wonderful colleagues in the SU. Even if I didn’t exactly achieve the things I’ve wanted, I have made headway on a load of key issues like bursaries and cost-of-living support. By the time you see this I will be on holiday! Which I am very much so looking forward to, but then I’m back ready for the semester to start! 


I hope you found this interesting and it give you a better insight in what I have been up to! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at


All my love and best, 


Your Activities Officer 







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