Posted on Tue 26 Mar 2024 at 13:51 by
Activities Officer
Hey gang, I’m back it’s been a wild 2 months!
We’ve had shows, elections and of course plenty of work. Here are just some of my highlights.
Student events
Multicultural day has been and gone! It was a great success with many groups coming to show off their traditional clothing, music and food! We were even treated to a previously unseen Salsa performance which came 2nd in a national competition! What a treat! I’ll be sure to make this event happen again next year too!

TedX had their amazing 10th anniversary event! We were treated to a variety of excellent guest speakers ranging from an AI Tech CEO to a double Olympic Champion athlete. It was amazing to me that this whole event was student led and formed such an amazing conference. I even managed to get a photo from Heather Stanning OBE!

Since Thursday 7 October I have been annoying everyone around me by singing “Be our guest” in the same way I heard it when I went to BUSMS’ Beauty and the Beast show. I had a spectacular time! I thought it was criminal that this was called an amateur performance because the standard was so high! We even had senior members of university attend the show to showcase what fine performances our student groups have to offer. No doubt they were all impressed and will be back for more shows and displays of excellence.
Work stuff
As you may have seen I have been working on the Bath Insights Summer Internship program. Applications have been open for the whole month and shortlisting will begin imminently! Best of luck to everyone that has applied! The estimated final cost of the program is around £125,000! Incredible considering the financial climate right now. I recently met with Helen Stringer, the Director of Employability and Student Success, asking for her thoughts on the expansion of the program. The idea of expanding the program by using local city employers and then having university provide accommodation was well received and would be considered for next years round of internships. I look forward to working on this in the future.
Jiji, Amber and I worked to put get members of university Council to do a speed dating exercise with students. We discussed the topics of: academic experience, postgraduate experience, space, housing and community. Members of council were intrigued to hear about the opinions and experiences of students regarding the university and their experience of it. Straight after this we were treated to a performance from the Arts Scholars, displaying art, singing, poetry and costume making. Once again it was an excellent display of the talent we have here at Bath. Well done to everyone involved, I’m so proud of you all!
In other news, Abbie and myself looked at 37 applications to the main Alumni Fund. The panel agreed to fund many of these and even agreed to increase funding to the scholarships by £80,000 a year. There will be 2 new additional arts scholarships and 2 enhanced sports scholarships. There will be 14 placement grants for people who go on low or unpaid placements too. There are some really worthy causes being funded.
The SU Awards are coming soon. As I am writing this the winners are being decided. I am currently off work sick whilst writing this so even I will not know the winners until the night. Not gonna lie I prefer it this way, the surprise is part of the fun. Plus I wont be able to accidentally leak it ??.
I have started planning the finer details of the World Cup! That is all… it is happening Saturday 27 April! Keep your eyes peeled for tickets.
To end, I just wanted to mention a little-known event called the Officer Elections! A whole week of campaigning for job security and asking people to vote for me paid off! I will be the SU Activities Officer for the 24/25 academic year! I am beyond happy to be returning for a 6th year in Bath! Although it will be one of the most different years at uni, I couldn’t imagine myself being anywhere else. Much love to everyone who voted for me and well done to everyone else who won.
That’s all from me for now. I can’t wait to write another blog in 2 months’ time. Until then, don’t forget my emails and office are always open, feel free to message me or ask me for advice.
Love David
Your returning SU Activities Officer