Posted on Wed 01 Nov 2023 at 11:25 by
Activities Officer
Hello everyone!!! I’m back, I hope you haven’t missed me in my 2-month blogging absence. I’ve had so much going on I haven’t found the time to blog about it and tell you what I’ve been up to.
Since I’ve last spoken to you, we have had Freshers’ Week and we’ve come out the other end more tired and possibly slightly ill compared to before. I can’t lie it was tiring, but it was so unbelievably rewarding and I did get to meet Vikkstar123 which literally had teenage me dying inside like the little fanboy I am. I am pleased to be back to a more normal sleep pattern now!
Syed and I meeting Vikkstar after interviewing him
A little shoutout to the Freshers’ Week Event Managers for keeping me and other officers company during the Summer and for putting it all together, couldn’t have happened without you guys! The Freshers’ Week Captains were also outstanding too! Without them volunteering their time all the events wouldn’t have been half as welcoming.
August was the month of admin trying to get ahead for the start of the year. I sent hundreds of emails with all the society budgets. I wrote my first trustee report as part of my role as trustee of the Students’ Union, which was just paperwork to make sure I was doing my job, this was definitely a big learning curve for me but something I am proud of. Then I sat in my first trustee board meeting which was long, but we discussed some really exciting things.
I have been preparing for the upcoming year too with my Activities Exec who are doing a great job so far! The Exec has been busy working on approvals for new societies and they look over societies membership fund applications with me. They have been acting as the first port of call for their respective groups and helping them to grow and develop. We have just done a fantastic General Committee Workshop where 1 member of each committee came to voice their concerns and learn about some of the things going on in the SU. I look forward to the next one (and not just for the free pizza ??). The Exec again were on hand to help out during this huge event!
I can’t help but gas myself up but, I have been planning loads of events for the upcoming year which I can’t wait for you all to see. We have already had a cereal dating event where people platonically met loads of people over unlimited amounts of cereal which was a great success, raising £148 for RAG’s Big 4 Charities. I’ve also been in talks with Sikh Soc on how to make the SU seem less drinks and going out based so we become a more inclusive community. We’ve got the Zombie Apocalypse escape room and scavenger hunt, a bigger and better SU World Cup in April AND plans for Diwali celebrations are well underway for November. Look out for all these events cause I’m cooking hard this year.
Its not all been work though! I have had time to go on a short trip to Hong Kong where I got to see my HK family again and also see my mom for the first time since I graduated which was really lovely. It was however too short of a holiday for my liking, but I did have to come back for my Freshers’ Week people.

Jiji and I at the Volleyball Social before Score
Syed and I during UV night
Me in Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong
One of the biggest things I am involved with this year is the Top 10. This is basically a wishlist we get to give to the university and they will do their best to help us achieve it or make progress on it. My particular item on the list is related to bursaries! Specifically, “Ensure all students have access to a financial safety net when needed, through a range of accessible scholarships, bursaries, hardship funds and other support”. Something I wrote in my election campaign was to ensure people could still live and part of that is still being able to participate in social activities. Hopefully by working on this everyone will have access to financial safety and will not be left having to choose between surviving and living!
Sorry it’s a bit of a long blog today but thank you for reading. I want you to know your support means the absolute world and it gives me the motivation to continue doing this job every day. I am currently low key stressed as I’m being pulled in so many directions and have so many things that demand my attention but hearing people tell me that I’m doing a good job is actually so nice. Remember to be nice to people and to stay positive everyone!
Love David your Activities Officer xxx