Posted on Tue 09 Nov 2021 at 16:54 by
Zoe Paumelle

Hello hello,
With COP26 currently happening a lot of organizations have been asked what they're doing for the climate and more generally around sustainability. I thought I'd give you a quick overview of some of things we do to actively make your SU and the University more sustainable.
Green Impact Group
This is a new sustainability student-led group composed of 10 representatives from different societies that have a focus around sustainability. I've been working with them to see how we can make our campus more sustainable and generally speaking how we can raise awareness.
We've been working on some exciting projects which you should all hear about soon!
Green Impact Award
The Green Impact Award is an award sponsored by the NUS (National Union of Students) where Student Unions across the country receive a rating depending on how sustainable their campus is. We are hoping to submit our nomination this year and have been working towards the award meaning lots of change is happening and more to come!
Top 10 around divestment
Every year your officer team submits a list of top 10 issues that we want to work with the University. These aren't the only issues that we work on with the University, the top 10 just gives us the means to highlight the really impact issues that matter to students.
The top 10 around sustainability this year is "Create a transparent sustainable practice policy and plan; including demonstrating positive steps to divest from companies with poor sustainability practices".
I'll be working closely with senior management of the University throughout the year to make sure that this is being done and that we are working towards the goal set out by the University through the Climate Action Framework.
Citizens Assembly
We are launching this year's first citizen assembly around sustainability on the 22nd of October. We'll be looking to gather your ideas and opinions on how you can make campus and more generally speaking the University more green. This is a great opportunity for students to take concrete action and act now.
Ecosia Ecosia Ecosia
This has been a topic of conversation for a few years and it still hasn't happened. I'm currently to find out what steps need to be taken and what has stopped the process of Ecosia being adopted previously. I've been working with People & Planet on this one to make Ecosia more present on campus.
Sustainability Survey
The University has been working on a sustainability survey to gather students opinions. As an SU we've been working closely with the Climate Action Framework teams in designing the survey and the data collected will feed into future plans for both the SU and the University. Worth noting that if you complete the survey there is a chance of winning £250 worth of Airbnb vouches and more!
Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management
A few other projects that I'm looking at include how to integrate sustainability more within societies and volunteering groups. Jacob the SU Education Officer and I are working together to make the curriculum more sustainable. Look out for the student trainers who held an amazing upcycling workshop earlier this semester and will be holding more sustainability orientated workshops in the year!
Anyways that is it from me, if you'd like to get involved in sustainability or if you have any questions please do get in contact with me!