Posted on Fri 15 Oct 2021 at 15:51 by
Zoe Paumelle

Hello everyone! I know it's been a while and to be honest I'm not entirely sure where to start this blog as so much has happened!
First of all a massive CONGRATS to all groups for absolutely smashing it during Freshers Week ! There was massive uptake in all of your events and the feedback we got was absolutely fantastic!!
The Groups fair was also massively successful and so many new members registered which is another proof of how amazing you've done!
I promised when I got elected that I would try and start up the SU's first cultural and arts festival and we've made great progress on this! We've emailed every society + media to see if they would like to take part in this fantastic opportunity! The event will take place during semester 2 and will take place during the day and evening!
We've sent an email with the sign up form for the event so make sure you fill it out!
Show In A Week
The annual show in a week fun will take place on the 30th of October with the launch event on the 22nd of October! Show In A Week is a week where every society has one week to create a show from start to bottom including dress rehearsals, tech rehearsals ...
This event was massively requested by many students and we're so happy to be able to provide a fun platform for our students to do this! Tickets for the event will be on sale soon so make you keep your eyes out peeled for this!
Mix & Mingle
I'm so so happy to announce that we will be holding our first Mix & Mingle session on Wednesday the 20th of October! This replaces the previous General Meetings (GMs) which weren't very fun and much more informal. These session fit into one of my manifesto points of when I got elected as we are setting up a inter-committee community. These sessions will allow for committees to meet and talk to each other in a fun and relaxed way.
Whilst the first one is being held online, future ones should be held in person ! :) We wanted to make sure that everyone could attend the first one hence the online nature!
Society Area Membership Shenanigans
We've also been dealing with queries around the society area membership. The society area membership is staying at £3 for all societies. If you'd like to add additional fees because of the nature of your activity which is very possible and we've had societies do just that email me and we can chat some more!
This is the link to buy your society area membership --> Join a Society (
Training now Available on Moodle !!!
Training is now available on Moodle ! This is so so important as you will find the answer to a lot of your questions in the training! We have chair, treasurer, events & socials and alumni training all on Moodle !
Volunteering falls under the Activities Officer's remit for the first time which is why I spent the last couple of weeks figuring out what that means. I've also been working on how we can interlink them more with other areas of the SU.
Special shout out goes to RAG and Boob Team ! RAG held an amazing second hand sale during freshers which they should be so so proud of and they raised lots of money for their Big 4!
Boob Team have managed to collaborate with lots and lots of sports team and encourage them to wear pink in support of breast cancer awareness month !!
We have had our first ever Green Impact Group ! This group is composed from committee of various societies and volunteering groups and will help us make direct sustainable changes across campus. We started this group because of the lack of sustainable representation across the SU. All members of this group are absolute superstars and our first meeting was a brilliant success! If you'd like to get involved and you're in a sustainability orientated society please make sure to contact your committee !!
We have finalized our top 10! The top 10 is a list of priorities that as an Officer Team we decided to work on with the University specifically. It doesn't mean that we don't work on any issues but rather it means that we have a set of clearly defined priorities.
This year's sustainability top 10 is calling for the University to create a transparent sustainable practice policy plan and to show positive steps in divesting from companies with poor sustainability practices.
As an Office Team we got to meet Nicola Dandrige the Chief Executive for the Office for Students. To find out more check out this news article -> What happened when the SU Officer Team met the Chief Exec for the Office for Students (
I've also got my drop in hours every Thursday from 2 to 4 so if you've got any questions, make sure top pop in a quick slot ! Link can be found on my SU Office Profile on the SU Website ! :D
As always if you've got any questions please don't hesitate to contact me through email at or on my SU Bath Facebook account!!
Speak soon!