Activities Officer Blog

Blog Post

Activities Officer Blog

Tue 07 May 2024

Climate Action 2023/24

  Hello all! It’s me again, back again with another blog, this time talking about sustainability. Alongside this...
Tue 26 Mar 2024

A tale as old as two months

Hey gang, I’m back it’s been a wild 2 months!  We’ve had shows...
Fri 09 Feb 2024

A Proud Moment and Pat on the Back

Hey gang! I was recently in the process of writing my SUmmit Officer Report, which is a regular update on...
Fri 08 Dec 2023

'Tis the season to be achieving manifesto points

Hey gang, It’s been pretty busy since I last spoke to you! Along with the other officers, I...
Wed 01 Nov 2023

Play "Work" by Rihanna

Hello everyone!!! I’m back, I hope you haven’t missed me in my 2-month blogging absence...
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Wed 09 Aug 2023

Busier and Busier

Well, hello again everyone, it's time for another blogggg!! It's slightly late (please don't...
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Fri 21 Jul 2023

Princes, Politicians and People from Out Of This World

Hello everyone! What a crazy first six weeks we’ve had! It’s included my first board of...
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Fri 24 Jun 2022

End of Year Activities Officer

Hello all, What a year it's been! I remember the day I got elected as your Activities Officer...
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Fri 04 Feb 2022

Activities Officer update!

Societies & Volunteering Groups Artsity I'm so so happy to be able to bring Artsity to life after...
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Tue 09 Nov 2021

November Update on Sustainability

Hello hello, With COP26 currently happening a lot of organizations have been asked what they're doing for the...
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Fri 15 Oct 2021

Artsity, Mix and Mingle, Sustainability, and More!

Hello everyone! I know it's been a while and to be honest I'm not entirely sure...
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Mon 13 Sep 2021

SU Activities Officer Update

  Hello everyone! It's been a while since my last blog update so thought I'd give...
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Fri 13 Aug 2021

Planning, Planning and more planning!

Hello hello friends! The past couple weeks have been jam-packed with meetings, training, tiktok makings and sticking googly eyes...
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Fri 30 Jul 2021

SU Activities Officer Update : Tout va bien !

Hello friends!   Hope everyone has been enjoying the sun and your well-deserved summer break ! As I'm...
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Fri 16 Jul 2021

My First Three Weeks as your Activities Officer

Hello friends! It’s been three weeks since I’ve started as your SU 2021/22 Activities Officer...
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Wed 08 Apr 2020

A Frank Conversation About Tuition Fees

These are unprecedented times that have and are having huge consequences on our personal wellbeing and learning. With two rounds...
Thu 26 Mar 2020

You Can Be Thankful and Allow Yourself to Feel at the Same Time

This week has been W E I R D.  Not just regular weird. Not a “I’ve...
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Tue 17 Mar 2020

#AndráTuttoBene (#EverythingWillBeAlright)

Friends,   As uncertainty about what the future looms above us, I strongly believe it’s much better...
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Fri 28 Feb 2020

Update, and Leap Day

I’m writing this post on my way back from the Bristol Climate Youth Strike (god the weather...
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Fri 31 Jan 2020

Thoughts on New Beginnings

Today marks the beginning of LGBT+ History Month, and it’s the first day of the Brexit transition phase...
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