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PG Officer Blog

Bath Life The First Chapter

What's up, Bath fam!

Can you believe we're already a month into the term? Time flies when you're having fun (or running for a 9 am lecture, right?).??

First off, massive thanks to everyone who threw themselves into Freshers' Week—you lot really brought the energy! Whether you were dancing at the PG party or making new friends at the mixers and fairs, it was amazing to see the campus buzzing with life again. yayaya!

By now, I'm hoping you've all found your favourite spots on campus, figured out which coffee keeps you going, and finally remembered your student ID card more often than not! ?? Don’t forget, this term is just getting started, so there’s still plenty of time to dive into all the activities and opportunities around you. Whether it's joining a new club, attending workshops, or even just hanging out at the SU, make sure to get involved, meet new friends, and, most importantly, have fun! 

Speaking of getting into the swing of things – a huge shoutout to everyone who stepped up to be course reps! Your willingness to represent your fellow students means a lot, and we can't wait to work with you this year.

And yes, winter is creeping in, so remember to take care of yourselves. Bundle up, stay warm, and make sure you're eating well and getting enough sleep (trust me, it helps when the deadlines start coming!).

There's so much coming up this term to get involved in – sports clubs, society events, volunteering opportunities – you name it! Don't be shy to try something new. Some of the best uni experiences happen when you least expect them.??

Feeling a bit overwhelmed? That's totally normal. The SU doors are always open if you need someone to talk to, have questions, or just want to hang out. We've got your back!

Keep being awesome as you are.

Catch you around campus! 

Zuber, Your Postgraduate Officer

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