Our Title...
We decided that it was time to make our mark. We discussed the idea of creating our own image, something that could unite us as a community. The name came first. We turned to our members, old and new for inspiration. Ultimately, we selected The Gladiators, it fit our tenacity, our comradery, and our hometown.
Our Image...
Created by Martins Starks.
The logo is a centerpiece for a club. We needed something that could reflect us in each way, whilst staying true to the Gladiator name. A competition was released and a winner selected...
This is the creative journey from the first submission to what you see proudly on our stash.
This first draft sent by Martins really piqued our interest. The combination of pop-culture references with that of a gladiators helmet worked well, and the use of a basketball highlighted our sport in a subtle, yet clever way.

The second draft was fundamental in our selection. The incorporation of a circular banner bearing our name, using inspiration from the Colosseum, Jets and Celtics, completed the icon we were looking for. We made some final adjustments, and finally, we had our logo.
Thank you, Martins.