  1. The field captain, an experienced archer (somebody who has shot for at least one season), is in charge of shooting and is responsible for enforcing safety and controlling shooting.
  2. While shooting is in progress, in the sports hall or on the playing fields, warning notices must be prominently displayed.
  3. In the sports hall the backstop and side netting must be in place.
  4. Take care when carrying bosses and lifting them onto stands – ideally two people should carry and lift each boss with a third steadying the stand.
  5. Stands and bosses should be anchored to the ground outdoors.
  6. Make sure clothing cannot catch the bowstring, tie back long hair, and make sure your shoes protect you from dropped/kicked arrows – no sandals/flip-flops/crocs! Always wear a bracer and use a tab.
  7. Equipment should be checked before shooting and damage reported immediately to the field captain. Never shoot damaged arrows or bows!
  8. Always use a stringer to stringing and destring bows – make sure you know the correct method.
  9. The area between the shooting and the waiting line should be kept clear of equipment and people to give the field captain a clear view of the shooting line.
  10. The field captain indicates the start and finish of shooting with a whistle or his voice – archers may only come to the shooting line to shoot or cross the shooting line towards the targets after the signal to do so is given.
  11. Up to 6 archers may share a boss with a maximum of 3 archers shooting at any given time – two groups take it in turns to shoot their arrows.
  12. During shooting individuals should point arrows down the range and towards the targets, including drawing and coming down from full draw.
  13. On hearing the cry of “FAST” or "STOP", or repeated whistle blasts all archers must cease shooting and remove the arrow from the string.
  14. Should an arrow drop just beyond the shooting line, no attempt should be made to retrieve it, unless it can be reached without crossing the shooting line.
  15. Persons other than those actually shooting (or coaching) must remain behind the waiting line and archers must retire from the shooting line once they have finished shooting.
  16. Bows must only be drawn, with or without an arrow nocked, on the shooting line.
  17. Never “dry-fire” or shoot a bow without an arrow nocked. The bow may shatter and cause you or others serious injury.
  18. Arrows should not be nocked off the shooting line, unless to construct a nocking point, or to otherwise check the equipment. Modifications to equipment should only be carried out by an experienced archer.
  19. Approach targets slowly and to the side of the boss – the rear ends of arrows are dangerous if you slipped. Watch out for arrows in the grass in front of the targets.
  20. When retrieving arrows from the target boss:
    • All archers stand either side of the boss.
    • Two archers remove arrows from the boss, working from the side of the boss into the centre.
    • The arrow should be removed from the target by placing one hand palm flat against the boss so that the arrow shaft is situated between two fingers. The second hand firmly grasping the shaft as close to the tip as possible when pulling the arrow clear of the boss.
    • When pulling an arrow ensure that nobody is standing behind you to prevent injury, particularly eye injury.
  21. Bows and arrows must be locked away at the end of every shoot unless otherwise instructed by the field captain.
If you are at all unsure of the correct, safe, way of doing anything seek advice from an experienced archer!



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Updated Tue 08 Oct 2013