Your Academic Exec is elected by all students. These guys represent you at a faculty/school and University level. They are extremely influential in bringing about change in the academic environment and are super committed to ensuring the best for all students in their faculty/school.

Academic Executive is made up of the Undergraduate Faculty Representatives, the Senate Representative, and the Education Officer and is supported by staff from the academic representation team.

The Academic Executive meets regularly and discusses issues raised by students at Academic Council, SSLC meetings, and faculty committees.

The members of the Academic Executive are made up of the faculty representatives and the senate representative.

Senate Rep

Undergraduate Faculty Rep Engineering & Design

Undergraduate Faculty Rep Humanities and Social Sciences

Undergraduate Faculty Rep Management

Undergraduate Faculty Rep Science

Want to read what's been happening in the Exec Meetings?

Below you can find the minutes of the meetings that have happened so far this calendar year, as well as the date of the upcoming meeting.

Minutes 2024-25