Education Councils are a space for all our Academic Reps to come together and discuss the big issues currently impacting students across the University of Bath. 

Terms of Reference

  1. To provide an informal venue for the Academic Reps to provide feedback on key issues affecting the student experience.
  2. To provide Academic Reps with updates from their relevant SU Officer on manifesto points and project progress.
  3. To provide a venue for Rep consultation on the development of policies, procedures, and proposals being discussed in meetings attended by their relevant SU Officer.


Academic Council membership:

Postgraduate Taught Council membership:

Doctoral Council membership:

Routine attendees of Education Councils include:

  • Student Voice Assistant
  • Student Voice Coordinator (Academic Representation)
  • Student Voice Coordinator (Postgraduate)
  • Education Manager


Education Councils will normally meet at least once per semester, with one meeting held per level of study.

View Education Councils minutes archive