Volunteer Groups

Green Dayz

Green Dayz

Don’t wanna be an environmental idiot!

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Don’t wanna be an environmental idiot!

*headbangs to the theme of American Idiot by Green Day*

Welcome to Boulevard of Green Dreams! Join the Basket Case of eco-friendly events across campus, on social media, and online. Let's say our Good Riddance to wasteful habits, rock out to a sustainable future and enjoy the Time Of Your Life. Help us to raise awareness, to connect with the world around us and to find new ways to bring the world into a Green(er) Day!

Below are some of the events led by The SU and our amazing student groups. Green Dayz falls within the University 'Green Week', find out what's happening throughout the week by visiting the Green Week Webpages

Monday 11 March

V Eco workshop - New Project Group! 14:00-15:00

We are inviting you to join our new project where we will regularly get together to share thoughts with likeminded people who want to find new ways to support eco activity. In collaboration and with support from Eco Together. See you there! V Eco Project

Pollinator House Workshop, 14:15-16:05

Join our workshop and craft pollinator houses using materials gathered right from our campus. Let's create havens for our buzzing friends and cultivate a greener environment together. Save the date and be a part of the buzz!

Tuesday 12 March

Street Food Market, 10:00 - 17:00, Chancellors Green 

Prepare your taste buds for a mouthwatering feast at the vibrant Street Food Market. Street Food Market

Repair Café, 11:00–15:00

Bring your clothes and items in need of a fix, and our volunteer experts will work their magic for a voluntary donation. Let's reduce waste, promote reuse, and build a community of mindful consumers. See you there! Share and Repair Café.

Operation Wallacea Talk, 18:00-19:00

Through this online webinar, discover the wild world of conservation with Operation Wallacea! Dive into the heart of environmental research and exploration. Learn about their impactful projects and find out how you can be a part of the conservation journey. Unearth the opportunities and join Operation Wallacea in making a real difference for our planet. Sign up for the talk here!

Sustainable Birdhouse Making, 17:00-18:00

Fly into creativity at our Sustainable Birdhouse Making Event in the Edge, Art Studio! Join us for a hands-on workshop where we'll craft eco-friendly birdhouses using sustainable materials. It's a crafty way to make a positive impact!

‘Combatting Climate Change Through Technology’ BUMUN Session, 18:15-20:15

Dive into the climate action conversation at our beginner-friendly talk on combating climate change through development aid and technology. Join us in room CB5.6 for an enlightening discussion on how we can make a difference together. Everyone is welcome to learn, share, and contribute to a greener future!

Wednesday 13 March

SCP Litter Pick, 13:30-15:00

Get ready to rock the clean scene! Join us for a litter pick around Westmoreland focussing on Brougham Hayes and Lorne Road – let’s turn litter into lyrics and make our community a greener place together.

V Nature – Tree Planting

Calling all eco-revoluntaries! Join us for a green day in the great outdoors at Brickfield Park. Channel your inner nature rockstar as we sow wildflower seeds to increase biodiversity of the grassland.Sign up for Tree Planting

Duck Feeding, 13:30-14:00

Dive into the quacktastic world of duck feeding with The Duck Society! Join us for a delightful event where we'll gather to feed our feathered friends, share duck tales, and enjoy some quality ponding time. Let's make it a quacking good day!


We hope you can join us throughout the Green Dayz. If you're interested in the work The SU is doing around sustainability please check out our Sustainable SU webpages

