SU Voice is here to provide representation, make your voice heard, and make your experience at Bath the very best it can be. Whether it is on your course, across campus, in your community, or in the wider world- we are here to help you make the changes that matter.
The best way to contact our team is to use one of our inboxes.
For queries about Academic Representation, student campaigns, SUmmit, Ideas to Action, or other Voice activities, please contact:
For queries about our elections, please email:
George Newham - Education Manager
George oversees the academic representation system, alongside student engagement activities and the enhancement of education for all students. She also works with the Education and Postgraduate Officers to develop the educational representation areas with The SU and the University as well as working on key issues and projects centered around Education and Student Voice.
Nirvan Abedi - Democracy & Change Manager
Nirvan is responsible for supporting the Officers with The SU well as our approach to international and diversity representation. He works with the Community Officer and President to further the diversify the representation agenda at Bath. He also oversees SU elections and referenda. Additionally, he provides support for National Representation activities and links to national campaigns, SU Standpoint development and SUmmit processes.
Taibah Orpin - Student Voice Co-ordinator (Postgraduate)
Taibah supports the Students’ Union Postgraduate representation activities and Executives for both PGT & PGR students. She also supports our representation work by gathering postgraduate students' opinions of their student experience and supports other departments in the Students' Union to align the activities with Postgraduate students' needs.