Volunteer Groups

RAG's Top Two for 2024-25

RAG's Top Two for 2024-25

Students have voted for next year's Top Two RAG (Raise & Give) charities

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The Great Western Air Ambulance Charity and VOICES will be RAG's Top Two Charities for the next academic year!

Bath Raise And Give is the student fundraising group based at the University of Bath. RAG raises money through various events run throughout the year and then donates the money to both local and national charities. Each year, RAG supports charities via their student-led fundraising events. From the next academic year, RAG has decided to change the Big 4 to the Top Two so that their fundraising can have a greater impact on charitable projects.

All students were given the opportunity to vote for which charities they wanted RAG to support, this year we have a record number of students voting, and we are proud to announce the Charities for 2024/25 are the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity and VOICES!


Great Western Air Ambulance Charity (GWAAC) is the primary air ambulance for Bath and Northeast Somerset, North Somerset, Bristol, and Gloucestershire. They provide emergency care to people who are in a state so critical that they require the specialist skills of the GWAAC team at the scene of the accident or medical incident. Though they are part of the regional 999 response service and work closely with NHS hospitals, they are a charity entirely funded by local people.

Attending an average of five patients a day, GWAAC’s priority is to get to the patient fast, bringing the level of care and specialist equipment only usually found in a hospital. The crew respond to the most serious of incidents and can perform a range of lifesaving interventions.

Voices provides support to those effected by domestic and sexual abuse in the Bath and North East Somerset area, whether in the past or more recently, to prevent harm and promote recovery. They aim to help families to recover and thrive. VOICES do this through individual support and advocacy, and a suite of group recovery programmes.

Anyone who has experiences domestic abuse or sexual abuse can self-refer and they work alongside other services such as NHS and independent domestic violence advisers who refer their clients to VOICES. VOICES offers a range of services for those who are struggling after having experienced domestic abuse. As well as recovery work, they help women to identify abusive behaviour in current relationships through group work.


We're delighted to be supporting these two worthwhile charities and look forward to all the fundraising initiatives over the next Academic Year. Find out how you can get involved with the Top Two, or any of the charitable or volunteering roles through the Volunteering and Fundraising page.