FAQs & Key Terms

Get the answers to all those frequently asked questions and key terms we use at The SU.

Frequently Asked Questions


Key terms you'll hear often

Students’ Union

A students' union or student union is a student organisation present in many colleges, universities, and high schools. At Bath, we look after everything to do with your student experience beyond your academic study and we are an independent charity.

Executive Committee

An elected group of students who represent different parts of our student community. At The SU, we have 8 of these committees – Academic, Postgraduate Taught, Doctoral, International, Diversity & Support, Sport, Activities and Media.

The Plug & Tub

Our student bar (The Plug) and nightclub (The Tub) where we host a whole load of activities, from quiz nights to showing live sport and the famous Wednesday night Score.

SU Officers

Your 6 elected officers who work full time to make your time at Bath the best it can be. The officer positions are President, Education Officer, Community Officer, Activities Officer, Sport Officer and Postgraduate Officer. Meet your SU officers for 2024/25.


The biggest annual sporting event of the year. This isn't just your average sports event – it's a full-blown festival!


Accommodation owned by the University is known as “halls” in the UK. Most students live in halls during their first year at Bath.

Societies and Groups

Find a sports club, society, volunteering group or support group that’s a part of The SU. These are all run by students, for students and you can join as many as you like! Check out the groups available to join. 

Freshers’ Week

Sometimes called ‘Welcome Week’, this is the first week of university life and is your chance to explore your new home and try out loads of new things – it’s a whole week of events, trips, and talks.


Conditions which temporarily prevent you from undertaking an assessment or significantly impair your performance in that assessment. Find out more - Individual Mitigating Circumstances (IMCs).


SUmmit is an SU committee made up of a range of student leaders and representatives who vote to create Standpoints (SU stances on any given issue) and hold the SU Officers to account.

Academic Reps

Academic Reps are students who have been elected by their peers to represent their cohort's academic views and concerns.


The National Union of Students (NUS) is a union of around 400 students' unions and represents the interests of more than seven million students. NUS is a voluntary membership organisation that aims to make a difference in the lives of students and its member students' unions through a variety of activities.

The Edge

The Edge is the University’s on-campus creativity and wellbeing hub, managed by the SU. The Edge offers multiple performance, rehearsal and creative spaces.

Summer Ball

The annual end of year celebration with drinks, live music, DJ sets, a funfair and more.

Student Leader

A student leader is anyone who takes on a voluntary role in the SU, including exec members, committee members, peer mentors, academic reps, freshers’ captains, and student trainers.

The Top Ten

The SU’s Top Ten is a list of ten priority issues which we will be working with the University on over the year.


This is what you will usually submit if you are running for an elected role within The SU and should explain why you want the role and why you think you would be good at it. They usually also include some details about you and your experience.


A general vote by the electorate (in this case, our student body) on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision. Take a look at our previous referendums.

Student Democracy

This refers to everything we do as an SU to support democracy for our students, including elections, referenda, committee meetings, demonstrations, and campaigns. .