Academic Reps attend a variety of meetings to help raise their concerns and bring change to the University. We split these by level of study (Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught, Doctoral) to ensure we are hearing a representative view of our students.

Education Councils

Education Councils are a space for Academic Reps to come together and discuss the big issues currently impacting students across the University of Bath. Chaired by either the Postgraduate Officer or the Education Officer, these meetings empower them with feedback to create change in the University and improve the student experience. This includes Academic Council (for Undergraduate Academic Reps), Postgraduate Taught Council, and Doctoral Council.

Education Execs

Our Education Execs are students who are elected to represent students from every Faculty/School and University level. They are extremely influential in bringing about change in the academic environment and are super committed to ensuring the best for all students in their faculty/school. The core membership is the Faculty Reps representing you as well as a chair position and open places for the postgraduate execs. This includes Academic Exec (for Undergraduate Faculty Reps and the Senate Rep), Postgraduate Taught Exec, and Doctoral Exec.

Faculty Forum

Currently Undergraduate Only

Faculty Forums are a place for the Faculty Rep to have direct interaction with the Academic Reps in their area. As Chair, they set the agenda and ask for feedback on various aspects of the learning experience to feedback into FLTQC and Board of Studies meetings. Academic Reps may also bring up issues they have been unable to make progress with at a programme level, so it can be escalated and resolved.