BUMC Committee 19/20

27thFebruary 2020




Conor Smith (CS) – Chair

Rachel Taylor (RT) – Secretary

Ross Clayton (REC)- Treasurer

Rob Cook (RC) – Walking Secretary

Joseph Boycott (JHB) – Walking Secretary

Janek Trace-Kleeberg (JTK)– Climbing Secretary

Ffion Loring (FL) – Web Secretary

David White (DW) – Gear Secretary 

Eli Scruby (ES) – Voting Member

Jane Blackbourn (JB) – Voting Member

Rob Haseler (RH) – Climbing Secretary

Sam Edmans (SE) – BUCS Captain

Tom Weaver (TW) – Postgraduate Secretary

Mia Gaines (MG) Social Secretary

Matthew Pembery (MP) – Welfare & Inclusivity Officer




  1. Past items


Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from



Bath Climbing wall

A confidential update provided by Ascent UK was given to attendees

CS to continue liaising with Ascent UK

All BUMC members to keep information confidential



Kit Designs

If you have designs for the Font or general club t-shirts, send them to DW

BUMC members with designs for t-shirts to send to DW



Committee 20/21 

Nominations for next year’s committee will be open 9th-15th March. Hustings will take pace 12thMarch. Voting will take place 18th-22ndMarch. Results will be released in April. 

The following committee roles have already been confirmed by CS:

Orienteering Sec- new role

Voted in my committee. Taking one of the two voting members spaces. Job is identical to that of the climbing and walking secs. Oversee all orienteering activities of the club. 

Voting Member

Only one role now. New description involves the overseeing of - should oversee first aid training and Midas drivers within the club, as well as support other members of committee. Don’t need to be an official driver to liaise with Paul Midas. 

Web Secretary 

Club used to have own website. Now club moved into social media role- have SU website- have support from people at the SU. Add into job description- maintain online presence including FB, Instagram, website promote club activities.

Postgrad secretary

Discussion over if role is necessary. Whilst the role could come under Welfare and Inclusivity, the separate name is good as is a selling point for Postgrads. Postgrad Sec has more contact with postgrad students and represents their needs e.g. can forget that they don’t have Wednesday afternoons off/ work through summer. BUMC already a great club for postgrads as not all activities are centred around Wednesday afternoons. 

Co-Chair/Vice Chair

Suggestion of having a co-chair to take pressure off the Chair. However can cause more work sorting out who is in charge of what. The Chair should have a vision of what direction they want the club to go in- by having a Co-Chair it would dilute this vision. To help with responsibilities, can co-opt a sitting member of committee to help out.

BUMC members wanting to run for 20/21 committee to submit manifestos between 9th-15thMarch







  1. New items



Action required from


BMC Insurance update

In previous years, only had to insure individuals who went on trips. In 2019 this changed, now have to insure every member at £16.75 each. SU now covers this increased cost, but means the Gear budget has been cut by £1000. Despite this, the Gear and Activities budget haven’t been badly affected. There are other sources of money available e.g. the Alumni Fund which has allowed the club to get a third trad rack.



Orienteering’s future

Constitution updates

Orienteering became a new sport for BUMC in 2019 and has evolved into a main part of the club. Due to this, now want to affiliate orienteering with British Orienteering (£60 per year) so that our members can represent BUMC in competitions. Highly unlikely orienteering will split off to become its own club. BUMC has invested money and effort into orienteering and club as a whole has a large budget to offer orienteering. Most likely students wouldn’t buy two sports memberships so would result in loss of members for both clubs. BUMC offers 3 sports in one membership and don’t want to change this USP. 

Events can feel intimidating to beginners

Possibility of having no running sessions that focus on navigation to include everyone. Accessible runs are already in force. However, it is also a sport and there needs to be a competitive side as well. Perhaps negative image is due to social media, can add a typical training session to the BUMC Instagram story to show members what goes on. In 2020 will introduce Orienteering official in Freshers week and sport will continue to develop.

MP to add training session to Instagram story


MP to run inclusive walking navigation sessions


Club Equipment

How could/should borrowing of club kit be advertised/encouraged? 

Ensure people are aware of how to borrow club kit; message DW and can keep it for as long as you need. If you lose club gear you are liable to the cost. Discussion over the uncertainty of what specific equipment has been used for and so don’t know the wear and tear. 

DW to look further into improving our recording system for what gear has been used for


FL to add kit list and list of library books to BUMC webpage



Traditionally BUMC have Thursday pub socials. Having socials at the same time every week allows people to plan around it. However, this excludes people who can’t make Thursdays. Demand for more nights out however can be expensive. 

Hard balance to strike as if BUMC offers two socials in one week, creates a divide as people will usually only decide to go to one. Decision made to have one social a week, and people are welcome to post on the BUMC page if they are going to a pub. Will aim to not always have socials on Thursdays so everyone can attend. Sober socials will increase as the weather improves and can do activities such as slacklining. 

JB and MG to organise a women’s social

MG to organise night out social not on a Thursday



Female Inclusivity 

JB organised women’s only climbing session and MG to organise women’s social. Visibility is key especially in climbing, so there are more women climbing can help encourage other women to give it a go. Whilst statistically there are lots female members, it doesn’t always reflect in participation and so need to champion those who need support. Idea of not making an official women’s’ ‘only’ climbing session but instead saying that there will be a group of girls heading to climb (as well as guys). 

MG to organise women’s social

JB to organise women’s climbing group (rather than a specific event)


How to increase inclusion of new members

From the outside looking in, can occasionally be hard to get involved with, as see groups of people who already know each other. Taster sessions are successful in providing the opportunity to meet people, and committee should be proactive in approaching people and welcoming them. Idea of wearing Bath Uni blue top when climbing, so members know who is from Bath and can talk to them. Freshers need to know they are able to post on the thread and say where they are climbing. Need to keep enthusiasm up for making new members feel welcome especially in the second semester. 

Committee and BUMC members to wear Bath Uni t shirts when climbing

Committee to continue to approach and speak to new members


Club Growth and sign ups

Sign up used to be queuing in front of the SU finance office! Now sign up is online and there is no other fair way of doing it. Numbers of spaces on trips limited to size of accommodation. If you are a driver or first aider you can get pre-sign up so members are encouraged to attain these qualifications if are really keen to get on trips.



BUCS team funding 2020/21

BUCS memberships is £68 (this includes membership fee, t- shirt, transport). Unfortunately, the SU has said that getting BUCS points doesn’t necessarily equate to more funding. Instead, BUMC is looking into sponsorship with other companies, with committee sending out emails to enquire. 

It is difficult to get funding from the SU, however there is a case for funding, due to the fact that BUCS climbing athletes have to send own money to go to train in Bristol as there aren’t the facilities in Bath. 

Committee to continue sending out sponsorship request emails

SE to speak to SU regarding funding, after achieving best BUCS climbing results so far


Driver and First-Aider Advertisement

Call for more drivers. To become a driver need to have had a driving license for over a year, attend a theory session on campus, complete a quiz and pass an assessed drive. If you are a driver it is easier to get pre-sign up on trips. BUMC will pay for the test. ES to send out post with driving session times. 

For First Aid- unlikely to do more courses this semester, but around first semester  2020 there will be another round of applications.