Bristol Climbing Communities

Color Up Bristol

Even though everyone loves climbing, traditionally it has been a white, male-dominated sport. This issue, so often ignored, is the inspiration behind Colour Up, a Bristol based climbing group for people from minority ethnic backgrounds.

They hold meet-ups every other Monday at Flashpoint, 6-9pm and every other Monday at TCA 6-9pm.

For more information visit the link here.

Bristol Women Climbers 

A group for women climbers in Bristol to get to know other local female climbers, make friends, have fun, share skills and inspire each other to climb harder.

They hold weekly meets:

Coaching and social rope climbing at Redpoint: 7-9pm Mondays

Coaching and social bouldering at Flashpoint: 7-9pm Tuesdays

Social bouldering at The Mothership: 7-9pm Wednesdays

Social rope climbing at The Church: 7-9pm Thursdays

For More information visit their link here

Queer Climbers Bristol Club

A Bristol based club for queer climbers of all ages. They meet up regularly to provide a friendly, welcoming, community space where the group can climb together and express themselves freely. 

They will next meet at Flashpoint December 1st more details here

Follow their Instagram here for updates about more upcoming meets